The first harming belief is focused on performing or how well you're doing. The fundamental message is, "I'm not doing good enough," or sorrier yet, "I'm a loser." If you feel like everything you do isn't quite "adept enough" or if you prohibit yourself to feel good about yourself unless you're doing perfectly (which we all recognize isn't possible), then you might have fallen prey to this notion.
Another basic area of belief disfunction is acceptance. The substance is "they don't admire me" or "they're going to leave me." If you're preoccupied by the thought that you must get others to accept you, like you, or approve of you, then you might be under the trance of this belief. This is generally referred to as the co-dependent notion. If you find yourself perpetually people-pleasing, caretaking others, and/or delivering them, there's a firm possibility you have this belief.
The third basic belief that can sabotage you is the belief about change. This belief will attempt to convince you that you can't change-that this is the way you've forever been, or that you'll never be able to manage it (whatever "it" is...success, relationships, wellness, etc.). If you trust you're unable to change and who you are now is who you've forever been, and this is likewise who you'll forever be, and you'll never be able to be any different, then this notion has you in its clutches.
Many individuals battle with the belief that they'll never be able to turn successful. This notion sends messages like, you'll just bomb, so why try, or you can't manage that. Then, they ask themselves, "Why undergo all the grief?", and they often promptly quit or don't even attempt to be more successful. The bottom-line: These individuals just don't think they merit success.
Invest daily in overcoming any of these notions and Give yourself permission to be successful. To discover the root of success we recently issued our ebook "The Root of Success". We encourage all of those interested in learning more on how to achieve success to get their copies.
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