August 10, 2011

Estate Planning With A Christian Base

Most people avoid the subject of estate planning due to their fear to death. However, Christians avoid the subject due to taboos/misunderstandings that still exists about the subject on money and accumulation of wealth in the Christian community. However, as followers of Jesus Christ, we need a different view and understanding about estate planning with a Christian base. As Christians we must view estate planning as an important act of our stewardship.

References to estate planning are found throughout the bible, starting from Genesis 15 when Abraham expresses to God his concern over his lack of an heir. Wanting to take matters on his own hand, he goes outside God’s plan and conceives an heir with his wife’s servant, Hagar (Genesis 16). Later we see how Abraham creates a plan that is pleasing to the Lord, and it is recorded in Genesis 25:5-6 as the first recognizable estate plan—after giving gifts to each of his other children, Abraham then gives the remainder of his possessions to Isaac. In the Gospel of John we are provided Jesus’ estate plan. While hanging on the cross, Jesus hands over the care of his mother to a trusted friend.

As Christians we are taught from the beginning that God owns everything, and this includes everything titled in our name. Throughout the Bible we are called stewards (managers) of the assets the Lord has given us. From the beginning of Bible we are called to oversee those assets for and on His behalf. Therefore, the preparation of an estate plan actually serves as the distribution clause for the assets He has entrusted to us. Estate planning should be part of Christian stewardship program. The Lord expects us to manage the assets God gives to us for management with the conviction that they belong to Him. Therefore, this requires not only the proper management of the assets during our life; it also requires that those assets are properly passed to the next generation to continue expanding his plan and kingdom.

It is possible that you do not realize it, but the lack of an estate plan is against our stewardship role that our Lord has called upon us. Make sure that your estate plan is prepared in accordance with Christian principles. Finally make sure that your estate planning advisor is properly trained and prepared to advise you and execute your instructions after you are called to join our Lord.


  1. Your post is nice. Looking forward for the next one.

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  2. Thank you Danielle, I look forward to your future visits and comments to our blog.
