"Within you right now is the power to do things you never dreamed possible. This power becomes available to you just as you can change your beliefs." - Maxwell Maltz
Your set of beliefs about life is the most important step in your process of being truly wealthy and living an abundant life. How and what you think have everything to do with your life right now. Your values, what we think is right or wrong, determine what you consider a priority and how you choose to manage your time and your God given resources. You are free to your thoughts and to decide in what you center your energy and thoughts. However, you also have the responsibility to choose what to believe as truth. We are constantly bombarded with all kinds of stimuli that affect our beliefs.
When you are truly wealthy you focus on positive thoughts. You feel positive feelings, you take positive action, and you enjoy life and all it has to offer. You laugh, you cry, you experience fully in each moment and you are grateful for each moment of your life. Yes the bad and the good. It's part of the experience of life and by not fully experiencing your feelings you are not allowing yourself to fully express and feel in each moment. You are in fact missing out on the greater experience of life.
During these difficult times we all must remember to pray expectantly. God is good and does answer our prayers. We must remember that the answer to our prayers may not look exactly the way we envisioned it. God knows best, what is good for us. Finally, I’m reminded to pray expectantly for God to work miracles because “I can do everything God asks me to do with the help of Christ who gives me the strength and power. ~ (Phil. 4:13). Stay focused on God’s road by daily praying for our Creator to order your day, make it clear what HE wants you to do and do that. Then let God do His part and stop trying to take the steering wheel from Him who knows best and is trying to help you.
If you are a Christian, regardless of the denomination, I invite to pour your souls in thanksgiving to God for all of the blessings we have been given. If you are not a Christian, I invite you to do the same. To be grateful for what you have and focus on the positive. I am not here to profess "prosperity gospel". For me being and living a Christian life has provided me a more complete life, fuller, richer and more satisfying life. It has banished my negative thoughts, anxiety, worries and fears. My thinking is more clear and positive which has allowed me to seek better solutions in the midst of these difficult times we are all going through. Think about it, do you think right now me telling you how bad you have it would help you in any way?. Would me bringing to your attention (like you didn't know it already) how bad the economy is, will contribute in any way to the betterment of your or my life.
"Don't spend your precious time asking "Why isn't the world a better place?" It will only be time wasted. The question to ask is "How can I make it better?" To that there is an answer. " ~ Leo Buscaglia
Sometimes we think that action seems to follow feeling, but in reality action and feeling go together. By regulating the action, which is under more direct control of the will, we can indirectly regulate the feeling, which is not. In other words, we cannot instantly change our emotions just by making up our minds to; but we can change our actions. And when we change our actions, we will automatically change our feelings. Therefore, if we have lost the peace that joy brings to our spirit, we ought to get up joyfully, act and speak as if joy is already here.
If you do not believe me, try it. Put a big smile on your face, walk big, take a good breath and sing/hum/whistle a song; you will see the effect. The reason it works is that it is humanly impossible to remain sad/depressed while at the same time you are acting joyfully.
"A man is not hurt so much by what happens, as by his opinions of what happens" - Montaigne
Be constructive, responsible, creative, helpful, relaxed, calm, grateful, loving, joyful, and playful. It may be difficult to hold positive thoughts when we are faced with difficult situations, but the key is remembering this too will pass. Let it go, and move on!
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." - Philippians 4:8 ESV
I am not talking about being careless or unrealistic about your surroundings. However, what good will it do to dwell over spilt milk? It happened, it is passed, you cannot go back and change it. Resolve to learn from the past mistakes and to avoid those past mistakes again. Can you imagine if we invest 50% of the time we waste complaining about how bad things are in looking for solutions? Can you imagine the new developments and solutions we would develop?
“A positive thinker does not refuse to recognize the negative, he refuses to dwell on it. Positive thinking is a form of thought which habitually looks for the best results from the worst conditions. It is possible to look for something to build on; it is possible to expect the best for yourself even when things look bad. And the remarkable fact is that when you seek good you are very likely to find it.” - Norman Vincent Peale
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