"Faith and initiative
rightly combined remove mountainous barriers and achieve
the unheard and miraculous. An enthusiastic attitude
is nothing more than faith in action."
Henry Chester
"Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life"
Proverbs 4:23
Most of the NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), self-development industry has a foundation in this short proverb. The power of your mind. In simple terms, the proverb can be translated; Be careful how (what) you think, because what (how) you think will result in actions that will have either a positive or negative impact on you. In other words, what you plant and grow in your mind determines your destiny. Your attitude clearly determines what happens to you in life. Attitude defines how you look, what you say and what you do. Attitude affects how you feel both physically and emotionally. It will also affect how successful you will be in achieving your goals.
Life is filled with challenges. What makes a difference between you and the next person is how well do you handle the challenges. Do you stay on the floor after you fell short from your goal? Or do you get up immediately and go at it again? Your attitude towards difficult tasks determines how well and if you will finish your task. You get from life exactly what you put into it. If you have a bad attitude towards life, you will feel like everyone is picking on you and that "life is unfair". If that is happening to you, it might be time that you check your attitude and how you are being perceived by others.
The good news is that you can change your attitude; you have control over your thoughts. A positive attitude starts with you having confidence in yourself. Confidence translates into reinforcement in your capabilities, positive energy, increased mental faculties and increased strength. When you make up your mind that you will accomplish the goal, the constant affirmations of your ability to succeed will lift you over the difficulties.
Constant positive affirmations increase courage and courage translates into the backbone of confidence. Many of the great achievements in life were accomplished by people with positive attitude. They had absolute faith about their chances of succeeding, even when that attitude seemed ridiculous to outsiders. They did not care, they were determined to accomplish their goals. Positive attitude puts your mind in a condition to succeed, it sharpens your perceptions; it helps you see your visions more clearly.
Therefore, do not fret over the challenges in your lives. When you fall, get up, dust yourself off, review the cause of the fall, determine how to improve and go at it again. Our character is formed over the duration of our lives. Each thought or feeling adds or diminishes our character. Each decision we make contributes to it. Everything we take into our minds (impressions, experiences, etc) helps in molding our character. Those attitudes and behaviors that develop from hate, discontent, evil, falsehood eventually will destroy us and will prevent us from achieving greatness that each one of us is capable of. It is your choice, regardless of the circumstances to be either cheerful or not. You won't gain anything from being gloomy, grumpy or even mean, so why be it? If you develop the right attitude, you will find that others will respond the same way towards you and things will begin to go your way. Positive attitude will yield positive results; life will give you exactly what you put into it.
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