October 25, 2011

How Did We Get Ourselves In This Mess?

This is a question that I would like us to think about today. Not to torment ourselves about the current situation, but to learn from it. One of the problems I see constantly in the financial news is the incessant desire to know when are we going to end this recession. The media worried about what should we called this period; "The Great Recession", "The Big Bust"; who cares. The right question that we must be asking ourselves is, What are we going to do different?

To answer that question, we must be able to determine how we got here. What drove this blessed nation into the brink of ruin. If we do not ask ourselves this question, we are bound to fail. One of the main question we must ask our politicians is what is going to be done different. What do politicians have in mind to not only get us out of the recession but to prevent this from happening again. Otherwise, we will be heading towards the same results. There is no other way around it; same actions leads to the same results.

Our society was promoting greed as an acceptable behavior. Desiring more at all cost. Marketing companies have been bombarding us with their catchy ads to tell us "what we should aspire" and presenting an illusion of wealth that was distorted. We created an industry of a fantasy world that we call "Reality TV"; how real is it? These reality shows have achieved to influence the poor minds of people by selling them the idea of what they are missing or what they should have. Instead they are bringing into our homes the wrong kind of values and the wrong kind of role models for us and our children. It is sad to see how many of families measure themselves to these people, people that instead of idolizing we should feel sorry for them. We should feel sorry, since they have become puppets of the media and advertising companies. The only way to help these people and our families is to turn our TV to another channel or turn off the TV; we must stop giving importance to those shows.

Remember, greed is never good. Never allow that idea to be sold to you and your family members. Greed in fact is a vice and never a virtue. It is a disease that will consume you and will destroy you. It takes the focus of the financial market's to an extreme level self-interest without restrain. It takes the focus of the good that can be achieved with wealth and instead force someone to intensify other vices that in the end will destroy you.

"And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep"
2 Peter 2:3

 We need to take this time to reflect about what got us into this mess. We must ask the important questions and stop worrying about when are we going to get out of the recession.  We must learn from our past mistakes and make the necessary corrections. The leaders of this nation must stop their political games and serving their interest groups and put the interest of the people of this nation first.

October 20, 2011

Setting SMART Goals

Being motivated to set goals has to be one of the most difficult aspects of our lives. Many times we start all exited about setting goals and after a couple of days the steam wears off; we have lost the motivation. Many times we loose interest because we feel like every time we attempt it turns into a failure. However, many times we have a predisposed attitude towards being organized, planning and setting goals. This attitude causes us to look at goals in a very wrong way.

Goals are are a critical aspect of our lives and will determine your chances of success. Many of you by now have heard of the acronym SMART, which stands for Specific, Measurable, Actionable or Attributable, Realistic, and Timed. Setting SMART goals is the proper way to ensure that you not only set them but that you will stick and follow through with your goals. If you want to succeed, you need to set goals. Without goals you lack vision; "Where there is no vision, the people perish" (Proverbs 29:18). Goal setting will allow you to take control of your life's direction. Without vision we are vessels in the ocean at the mercy of "luck".

I do not think any of you would be part of a cruise that departs with no specific destination. However, that is what we do when we live our lives in the dark. No idea about how we are progressing towards our values in life. If the only measurement you have about your success in life is the amount of money in the bank then you are destined for a sad and empty life.

Many of us get frustrated with the goal setting process because we do not know how to set them. You can't simply say, "I want" and expect it to happen. Goal setting is a process that starts with careful consideration of what you want to achieve, and ends with a lot of hard work to actually do it. However, in the middle of all that there are defined steps that must be taken for each goal.

How do we set up SMART goals?

S (Specific) - Specificity is the key. Your goals cannot not be vague, for example a goal to “Be more successful in 2011” or "To lose weight" are too vague as it doesn’t define your success. A better goal for a business person is "I will get 10 new clients (this can be further refined to meet your specific business - i.e. you can define the type of clients you are looking for) in 30 days" or "I will lose 10 pounds by X date".
M (Measurable) - To have effective and achievable goals, they must be measurable goals. Quantify and qualify your goals. Being measurable will allow you to tell how near you are to your goal, or, even more, if you’ve actually achieved it already. Another advantage to having measurable goals is that when you are very specific, you tend to have more confidence in the goal, and with true confidence, you are able to achieve true progress.  When you set a goal to acquire 10 new clients in 30 days, you have a specific and measurable goal. It is clear if and when you have achieved your goal. Also, measuring your goals gives you an idea of what it takes step by step to reach that goal, and you are able to monitor your progress.
A (Actionable or Attributable) - It would be silly to set a goal for your
favorite sporting team to win the league if you cannot directly influence that outcome. Goals must be backed by action. If your goal is to lose a specific amount of weight, you must take action and go to the gym and change your eating habits. Just writing it on a piece of paper wont make the weight to melt away.
R (Realistic) - This is where I think most people get frustrated with their goal settings. Setting a goal to "be the number one life insurance agent in the country" when you do not have experience in the industry or to "beat Kobe Bryant on a one-on-one basketball game" when you have never played basketball may be a stretch of you imagination. Setting challenging goals, Aim High Attitude, is great when we take small steps towards the ultimate goal.
T (Timed) - A well thought out goal must include a timescale and must not be open ended. When we set up the goal of acquiring 10 new clients, we also defined by when. If the goal is to get 10 new clients is too vague.

Finally, the key to successful goal setting is to avoid having too many goals. Many times we overwhelm ourselves by setting 23 goals to achieve this week. In fact, I would suggest that you work on one or two goals at a time. Having too many goals makes things complicated and requires a more complicated system for keeping track of your goals. It will also frustrate you; keep things as simple as possible if you can. When you focus on a small amount of goals at the same time it allows you to focus your energies which will make you more effective.

October 19, 2011

Success and Optimism

Life is filled of choices. You may choose to have a pessimist's view and live a self-defeated life or you may choose to take the optimist's route and have a challenging and fulfilling life. In contrast, optimists expect the greatest. They tend to think defeat is just a fleeting delay, that its causes are confined to this one case. Optimists tend to center on and plan for the 'difficulty' at hand. In other words, they most likely reinterpret an off-putting experience in a way that helps them discover and mature. Such people are unfazed by a bad situation, they perceive it as a challenge and try harder.

Bright expectancies of optimists also forecast better reactions during transitions to new environments, unexpected tragedies and unlikely turn of events. If they fall, they will stand up. They see opportunities instead of obstacles. People react positively to optimists. Optimists are upbeat and less dependent on others for their happiness. They find no need to control or influence people. They usually draw people towards them. Their optimistic view of the world can be catching and influence those they are with. 

Optimism seems a socially desirable trait in all communities. Those who share optimism are generally accepted while those who spread gloom, panic and hysteria are treated unfavorably. When the going gets tough, optimists get tougher. Pessimists are more likely to quit trying when difficulties arise. Optimists typically maintain higher levels of subjective well being during times of stress than do people who are less optimistic; They persevere. They just don't give up easily, they are also known for their patience. Inching their way a step closer to that goal or elusive dream.

Optimists are healthier and live longer. Medical research has justified that simple pleasures and a positive attitude can cause a considerable boost in the body's ability to fight disease.

Protect The Elders During This Medicare Open Enrollment Period

Open enrollment period started on October 15, 2011, which provides seniors and disabled to enroll and make the necessary changes to their Medicare Advantage plans available from the private insurers. However, with every open enrollment period comes the batch of leeches who want to take advantage of the senior community. Fraudulent operators pray on a vulnerabel population that is generally more trusting and open to friendly faces at the door and friendly phone calls. It is imperative that we protect our seniors from Medicare scams.

Here are some tips to help you minimize potential scams during this open enrollment period:

1. Be wary of unsolicited calls or visits at home.
2. Do not take calls from someone claiming to be from Social Security or Medicare. They Do Not Call Beneficiaries.
3. Avoid high pressure sales and requests to switch or cancel your existing plan.
4. Read carefully AND understand the health plan information being offered. if you do not understand it, have someone you trust review it for you and explain it to you.
5. Consult family and friends before you make a purchase of any health plan.
6. Consult free tools being provided by your state and Medicare (i.e. Medicare Plan Finder - http://www.medicare.gov/find-a-plan ) or call the Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program 1-800-434-0222.
7. Avoid falling for the "too good to be true" plans.
8. Insurance agents must be licensed with the state you reside. Also, Verify that the person you are dealing with has a proper authority to act on behalf of the plan being presented to you.
9. Remember that Medicare has no official sales representatives so they do not send people to solicit your business. 
10. Federal regulations prohibit unsolicited sales call, and marketing in educational or care settings.
11. Federal regulations also prohibit offers of free meals for listening to a sales presentation or for signing up in a particular plan. Also, be ware of other tactics to coarse you to sign up. If the person seems desperate and hard selling you, you may want to consider walking away or getting the information for further review later.

11. Guard your personal information. Never give out your Social Security number, bank account numbers, or credit card information over the telephone.

Governmental agencies are have limited resources to actively prevent and prosecute all of the claims brought to their attention. Therefore, it fall in us to protect our elders from falling victims of fraudulent and deceptive practices, which in most cases results on consumers to lose their medical coverage and much-needed health care services or prescriptions.

Please understand that not all insurance agents are bad. The majority of the insurance agents are very good, caring and professional. It is important to establish a professional relationship with them and understand their business practices.

October 14, 2011

Medicare Open Enrollment Starts October 15

The open enrollment period for Medicare starts tomorrow (October 15). The open enrollment period goes from October 15 to December 7, 2011. Medicare is available to all those age 65 and over and younger people with disabilities as well as those with kidney failure requiring dialysis or a transplant. Many people under 65 do not know that they may qualify.

With more benefits, better choices and lower costs, it is important that people with Medicare and their families begin reviewing drug and health plan coverage options for 2012 early.  Due to the Affordable Care Act, people with Medicare can get certain preventive services for free and can get more affordable prescription drugs.

Open enrollment is seniors’ chance to review their Medicare choices and pick the plan that works for them, or keep the plan they have today. The open enrollment period, provides the people with Medicare to evaluate their options for 2012 and maximize the benefits. Starting early in the enrollment period process will give you the time you need to properly evaluate your needs without the pressures of procrastinating until the last couple days of the process.

A recent survey by PlanPrescriber, an online insurance comparison tool and seller, found that 65 percent of 475 seniors enrolled in Medicare's Part D prescription drug program weren't aware of the change in the time-line. I urge you that if anyone in your family or neighbor is a participant of Medicare or potential candidate for Medicare to contact their local financial advisers to properly educate them in the best plan for them.

If you are in Florida, please contact me and I will refer you to people that will properly guide you in the decision process. You can send me an email to gonzalezconsultingintl@gmail.com.

October 11, 2011

Beware of Bogus EFTPS Email Scams

The IRS is advising employers to be aware of a bogus e-mail scam involving payments allegedly rejected by the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS). The e-mail contains a link that, if clicked on, may result in the download of malicious software. The software is often designed to provide the scammer with personal and financial information on the employer's computer that the scammer may use to commit identity theft.

Remember: The IRS does not initiate e-mail communication with taxpayers regarding EFTPS or tax account matters. All unsolicited e-mails that claim to be from either the IRS or any other IRS-related area, such as EFTPS, should be reported to: phishing@irs.gov. 

Read More

October 8, 2011

Attitude Determines What Happens to You in Life

 "Faith and initiative rightly combined remove mountainous barriers and achieve the unheard and miraculous. An enthusiastic attitude is nothing more than faith in action."
Henry Chester
"Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life"
Proverbs 4:23

This week I was looking over Proverbs 4:23 and it is what prompted me to write to you today. Many people go in this journey we call life without truly understanding how their attitude towards the many events in our lives will impact them. Many people go in life hapahazardly making decisions in life without realizing the root causes of their successes or failure. This proverb is short, powerful and true.

Most of the NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), self-development industry has a foundation in this short proverb. The power of your mind. In simple terms, the proverb can be translated; Be careful how (what) you think, because what (how) you think will result in actions that will have either a positive or negative impact on you. In other words, what you plant and grow in your mind determines your destiny. Your attitude clearly determines what happens to you in life. Attitude defines how you look, what you say and what you do. Attitude affects how you feel both physically and emotionally. It will also affect how successful you will be in achieving your goals.

Life is filled with challenges. What makes a difference between you and the next person is how well do you handle the challenges. Do you stay on the floor after you fell short from your goal? Or do you get up immediately and go at it again? Your attitude towards difficult tasks determines how well and if you will finish your task. You get from life exactly what you put into it. If you have a bad attitude towards life, you will feel like everyone is picking on you and that "life is unfair". If that is happening to you, it might be time that you check your attitude and how you are being perceived by others.

The good news is that you can change your attitude; you have control over your thoughts. A positive attitude starts with you having confidence in yourself. Confidence translates into reinforcement in your capabilities, positive energy, increased mental faculties and increased strength. When you make up your mind that you will accomplish the goal, the constant affirmations of your ability to succeed will lift you over the difficulties.

Constant positive affirmations increase courage and courage translates into the backbone of confidence. Many of the great achievements in life were accomplished by people with positive attitude. They had absolute faith about their chances of succeeding, even when that attitude seemed ridiculous to outsiders. They did not care, they were determined to accomplish their goals. Positive attitude puts your mind in a condition to succeed, it sharpens your perceptions; it helps you see your visions more clearly.

Therefore, do not fret over the challenges in your lives. When you fall, get up, dust yourself off, review the cause of the fall, determine how to improve and go at it again. Our character is formed over the duration of our lives. Each thought or feeling adds or diminishes our character. Each decision we make contributes to it. Everything we take into our minds (impressions, experiences, etc) helps in molding our character. Those attitudes and behaviors that develop from hate, discontent, evil, falsehood eventually will destroy us and will prevent us from achieving greatness that each one of us is capable of. It is your choice, regardless of the circumstances to be either cheerful or not. You won't gain anything from being gloomy, grumpy or even mean, so why be it? If you develop the right attitude, you will find that others will respond the same way towards you and things will begin to go your way. Positive attitude will yield positive results; life will give you exactly what you put into it.

October 4, 2011

Debt Slavery

Debt Slavery is nothing new. Many historical books, including the bible, will talk about debt slavery or debt bondage. Debt slavery is defined as a situation when a person provides a loan to another and uses his or her labor or services to repay the debt. The problem with debt slavery is when the value of the work, as reasonably assessed, is not applied towards the liquidation of the debt, the situation becomes one of debt bondage.

According to the Anti-Slavery Society:
Pawnage or pawn slavery is a form of servitude akin to bonded labor under which the debtor provides another human being as security or collateral for the debt. Until the debt (including interest on it) is paid off, the creditor has the use of the labor of the pawn.
The United Nations has defined debt bondage as a “modern day slavery”. The focus of the UN and other governments is towards the abuses and atrocities committed against families in under and developing countries. However, today in the United States we have debt bondage. Many people do not agree with me, but the truth is that we do. In simple terms, debt is bad because it restricts your freedom. Debt is bad even if you’re borrowing to put yourself in a better position long term, because you’re still restricted by having that debt load hanging over you and your life. One of the most frequent exhortations from Scripture is the warning against debt can be found in Proverbs, the reader is warned that the "borrower is servant to the lender." And in Paul's letter to the church at Rome, he tells them flatly: "Owe no man anything." (Romans 13:8).

We can make an argument that leveraging the acquisition of a piece of land or real estate is a good use of debt. It is possibly true, if the repayment of that loan does not enslave you into the servitutde to the financial institutions for the rest of your lives.

Many families sell their souls to companies for a job which they, in reality detest, do perform just for the pay so they can stay afloat. This is the typical debt bondage we have in our society today even in most developed countries. Therefore, we become slaves to those who pay us to perform a specific task and most times against our values. Being in control of your spending and finances liberates you, in a nutshell, it is financial freedom.

What is financial freedom?
Many families work so hard and give so much of their lives to provide a better life to their families. They want financial freedom. However, what is financial freedom? It can simply be defined as “the freedom to make choices in your life without having to worry about the day to day financial implications”. You have the freedom to chose the place where to work, regardless of the pay. When you find a career that you’re passionate about, you’ll truly enjoy what you’re doing and the money will follow.

What can be done now?
The best thing that all families of WBN can do is to develop financial plans to liberate themselves from debt. Transform their focus to own and invest. Focus on a financial plan address your debt balance and focus on debt reduction and then towards financial freedom. Trust me that you will breath better after you become financially free.