July 7, 2011

I’m Out of Bed AND I’M DANCIN’!

Today's article is contributed by my good friend Mary Angolano Burrell. Starting with the month of July we will select a business and provide them additional exposure through our blog and newsletter. This is done for you free of charge, just for being a loyal reader and participant of our blog, FB group, and liking our FB page.

It is important to remember that in our pursuit to build wealth we do not forget our health. Many times we sacrifice our health in the desire to become wealthy, so later we spend our wealth in taking care of our health.

Please visit the link provided and become informed on how to improve your health and enjoy more of your life now!


For 20 years, I experienced life-threatening health challenges.

My life was a continual train wreck. I weighed 225lbs, I wore size 20, and my skin was grey and uncomfortable to touch. My lips were blue. It was difficult to walk even the shortest distances.

Grocery shopping had to be done the first thing of the morning. The rest of the day was spent on the couch or in bed. I had monthly hospital lab workups with an immediate follow-up doctor's appointment plus extensive testing twice a year.

Troubling Prognosis

Eight years ago my doctors said all they could do was “keep me comfortable”.

The month before I started Isagenix, my doctor shot down lap band surgery. That same month, my family traveled to Japan without me. My doctor advised against me going. She felt the trip was too long and once there, no one knew my health history. Once again, my condition interfered with my family's plans.

Considering Alternatives

I decided I had to take off the blinders and look outside the box for anything that could improve the quality of my life. I began to blend allopathic practices with natural healing. My naturopath had me try cleansing programs but I was always unsuccessful. If I was able to ingest a product, it threw my system off so much I would end up in the hospital.

Enter Isagenix

In April 2005 Isagenix got this train on a new track. I released 48 lbs and 88 ½ inches WITH my doctor's supervision. My energy went through the roof. When my kids saw me pacing around the house with a feather duster they asked, "Dad what'd you do to mom?”

While cleansing the fat away I went from a size 20 to a size 12. My skin's rosy, I get to enjoy hugs. My lips are no longer blue. I can walk pretty long distances. AND I can even DANCE again. I look and feel fabulous!

My doctor was amazed!

She was seeing for herself the transformation that happens when Isagenix gets INTO you. She saw my rapid weight loss but was concerned about the possibility of losing lean muscle mass. When she saw that I’d actually increased lean muscle, she was so excited she ordered three 9-Day Programs…for herself, her husband and office manager.

After three days on Isagenix, she wanted it for her patients and asked if I’d coach them! It's been 2 ½ years and Dr. Goodman is still referring patients to Isagenix. I'm now helping to change lives…one person at a time.

I’m in the Book!

And guess what! My Isagenix Story is in Jack Canfield's book, “Chicken Soup for The Healthy Soul”!

A better quality of health is waiting for YOU. It's just on the other side of an Isagenix Cleansing and Fat Burning System!

Join Us TODAY!

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