Our daily lives are filled with challenges. So oftentimes we forget the simplest teachings from the Bible. One the scriptures that has made a tremendous impact in my life is when the disciple Peter walks on the water by faith, until he took his eyes off Jesus, looking at the storm's tempest instead. With the many challenges we encounter in our lives, the media telling us daily how bad things are, family and friends around you bringing negative thoughts and energy into your lives, so often we take our eyes off the Lord, because of troublesome co-workers, marital difficulties, rude people, unfair situations, life's problems, et cetera. The lesson from the scripture is very simple--keep your eyes on the Lord and you won't sink!
Many times to achieve the goals in our lives, we must move away from those "energy suckers", pessimists, naysayers and negative minded friends, family, partners and co-workers. We need to learn to love them from far away to be able to accomplish our God given talents. These kind of people do not contribute anything positive in our lives, love them but keep a distance so you can progress in your mission. Keep in your "inner-circle" those who are a positive influence in your life and help you achieve your goals. Even Jesus at times would bring only some of the disciples to go with him and be part the process of accomplishing his goals. In the gospel of Mark for example we are presented with the event when Jesus heals Jairus' daughter (Mark 5:35-43), he appointed Peter, James and John to go with him to heal this girl who was presumed dead. Jesus loved all of his apostles, but he surrounded himself with the right people to be witnesses of this moment and enjoy Jesus' full intimacy.
The solution to difficult times is to create a habit of looking on the positive side of everything. You and I should be ashamed of ourselves. All the days of our years we have been living in a fairyland of beauty, but we have been too blind to see and appreciate it. Instead of setting your eyes on the difficulties, focus on positive thoughts and solutions, avoid those that all they have to say are the reasons why you cannot do it or you will fail, surround yourself with the inner circle that will help you in locating the solutions to overcome the challenge. Finally, there is a famous inscription found in the Cromwellian Churches of England "Think and Thank". Think of all we have to be grateful for and thank God for all our bounties. We seldom think of what we have but always of what we don't have. The tendency to seldom think of what we have and always of what we lack is the greatest tragedy on this earth. It has caused more misery than all the wars and diseases in history. Count your blessings, not your troubles!
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