I would like to share with you about wealth and the misconception most of us have about it. Many times I encounter people who truly do not appreciate what they have. Instead they focus on what they do not have. We live in the richest country of this earth and all we can focus is in feeling sorry and blaming others about something that happened several years ago. That is the wrong attitude towards building wealth and becoming wealthy.
So today I want to make a change. I want to share with you something positive. Let's take ACTION right now to become wealthy. Before we start, let's define WEALTH. Most people THINK that wealth is an illusion or something that only "lucky ones" know the secret. Let me tell you something, you and I are already wealthy as you will soon see. I would like for you to think about what does wealth mean to you? Money? Material things? Power? What could wealth bring you that you don't have right now? What are your current beliefs about wealth?
By dictionary definition wealth means:
1.An abundance of valuable material possessions or resources; riches.
2.The state of being rich; affluence.
3.All goods and resources having value in terms of exchange or use.
4.great amount; a profusion: a wealth of advice.
Wealth is basically ABUNDANCE, and abundance is the opposite of lack. However, most people have the wrong idea that wealth is being financially rich. However, being financially rich is only part of being TRULY WEALTHY. Let me explain, if you are financially rich, but you lack HEALTH to enjoy being rich, then you are just financially prosperous. Nothing wrong with being financially prosperous, but you are not wealthy. Because to be truly wealthy you must have abundance in all areas of your life. Your self worth and net worth are not the same thing. Once again there is nothing wrong about being financially prosperous, actually it is part of being wealthy. Your goal should be to seek TRUE WEALTH; to enjoy life to its fullest: to have, be and do the things you desire. Therefore, wealth is about FREEDOM. Freedom to do what you want, when you want.
Now that we have clarified the meaning of wealth, this is a good moment to start the journey. Write in a notepad the major aspects of your life, what have you learned during this journey that has brought you to this point. Please keep in mind that the past has absolutely nothing to do with the direction you want your today’s story to take. The only reason to look into your past is to learn from the mistakes of the past and improve our new plan. If your life up to. Remember that you can be whatever you desire; WE BECOME WHAT WE THINK ABOUT.
Since you become what you think, the first call of action is to begin seeing being wealthy as the only way; plant that seed in your mind and nourish it. YOU ARE WEALTHY and you are wealthy now. Make all of the necessary changes required to live the way you know that you are; wealthy. Commit to it with your entire being by saying it out loud: "I AM WEALTHY and there is no other way". Get into the feeling of how joyful it is to live a life of complete abundance and feel how thankful you are to have anything you desire in this moment. Be grateful right now because you are about to take focused action that will insure your success. Do not doubt in taking this simple step, when you do it you have just exercised important universal laws. The law of reciprocation, the law of reciprocity, the law of attraction, the law of abundance, the law of action, the law of cause and effect, the law of karma, and the powerful force of gratitude, just to name a few. You become what you think about, You attract what you think the most about, and you get what you give. By following the simple step shared with you on this blog, you have taken action with focused thought, intent, desire, emotion, gratitude, trust, faith, determination, commitment and exercised all the forces needed to bring you that which you desire; to be wealthy!
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