November 16, 2009

Improve Your Credit Score The Smart Way

Having a good credit score is very important in today's society. It is something that many people should have and it is also something that people today would consider to be worthy to be doing just about anything to have a good credit score. By having a good credit score, applying for loans and unsecured credit cards is much easier.

If you already have a good credit score, you will want to boost it in order to obtain the best loan and credit card deals possible. For example, sometimes two points difference in your credit score can mean thousands of dollars in savings from paying interest.
I am talking about the difference between a 688 and 690. This is why it is very important for you to improve your credit score even if you already have a good credit score. It will mean lower interest rates and also more chances of getting the loans you need.

There are several ways on how you can significantly improve your credit score. Some ways takes time to achieve and some takes only a few weeks or even a few days to do. However, if you start working on it as soon as possible, you will see that it will be worth all the effort.
So, here are some of the ways you can boost your credit score:

1.Check credit reports for errors. Even minor errors can significantly hurt your credit rating. So, if you ever suspect that your low credit score is caused by an error, you should contact the credit reporting agencies and challenge them about the report.

2.Check the amount of open credit cards you have. Specially those you may have paid off and still show in your credit report. Before you start closing accounts you may want to make an assessment of the impact in your credit score by closing of the account. However, too many credit card accounts can cause a negative impact in your credit score.

3.Pay your bills on time. This will have a positive impact on your credit score because it will show credit reporting agencies and also creditors that you can manage your debt effectively.
4.Manage you credit card balances effectively. Don't use your entire credit limit on each of the credit card you own. For example, if you have credit cards with a credit limit of $2,000, $2,500 and $3,000 dollars, it is better to use 600 dollars on each card rather than $1,800 dollars in one card.

These are some of the methods you can use to boost your credit card score. Following all these will ensure you that your credit score will increase and will result in better opportunities in the future.
I have also prepared a book How to Improve Your Credit Score One Day at a Time, which is packed with valuable information that will help you develop a plan on improving your credit score. Reserve your copy here.

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