February 21, 2009

Face Your Fear

Many times we are terrified to take certain actions in our lives. Literally paralyzed by our fears. For example, some of us are afraid of speaking in public. You may know what I am talking about. The moment comes for you to make a presentation and you start to sweat, your voice starts to tremble, your knees to shake. Have you ever been there? I have. However, many years ago I made a decision that changed my life. I decided to face my fear! You see, it would be difficult for a consultant to be afraid to talk to people and be successful. So I invested on myself and bought books from Tony Robbins (yeah Tony). It helped me realize, face and conquer my fear.

I couldn't believe I spent all of those years of my life harboring the fear of speaking to people. After listening to my tapes and reading my books I decided to put my newly learned techniques into practice. I finally did it; the realization that there was actually nothing to fear about it was so blatantly ridiculous I felt like slapping myself on the forehead. I can't believe I spent all that time being afraid of something I was not supposed to be afraid of.

The moral of the story: Some of the things we're afraid of doing aren't actually as bad as we think they are. In fact, most of the time these things are actually nothing to be afraid of; you'd find yourself asking why you wasted so much time being fearful of them.

This is also true with Real Estate Investing. A lot of people are hesitant right now to invest in real estate because they're afraid it's going to be a lot of hard work that never pays off. Many of them are paralyzed due to the news from "experts" they read about the "housing market". They're afraid to be humiliated by sellers and buyers. They're afraid they won't know what to do when a deal is already on the line. They're afraid of this, they're afraid of that and so on. Bottom-line, many people fail to realize that there's nothing to be afraid of. Especially since a lot of experienced investors now are willing to walk you through every step of the way until you're comfortable with it. It's mostly irrational fear. If you're one of those still afraid to take the plunge and invest in real estate, then let me tell you one thing – Today is the best time to invest in real estate. There is tons of profit waiting to be made and it's up to you if you want a piece of the pie or not.

One of the biggest problems of investors is taking the first step.

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