Today I want to talk to you about a wise old adage “Measure twice, cut once”, a lesson my father taught me when I was a boy. Even though it is used a lot in carpentry it has applications in different aspects of our lives, including in our businesses. The literal message means that we should double-check one's measurements for accuracy before cutting a piece of wood; otherwise it may require of us to cut again, wasting time and material. Figuratively it means that lack of planning can lead to mistakes.
In today's environment we want everything fast and accurate. People do not want to take time to plan. We want to shoot first and then we see where the bullet hits. We want to open the "business" before we develop the idea. We want someone to invest in our "business" before we have finished the concept. However, to reach your goals your decisions should be based on sound data.
The four words of the carpenter’s adage “Measure twice. Cut once” expresses a universal truth about the importance of planning before reaching the point of no return. I wonder how many in the construction industry actually follow this advice. For example, now is the time to plan for your 2012 tax year and determining what can be done to minimize your tax liability. The time to evaluate the legal and tax consequences of a transaction is before you take the action and not after. Many times people try to save a few hundred dollars in planning to spend a few thousands in fixing the mistake. They spend hours later trying to justify what they did and develop schemes to cover their blunders.
In difficult economic times, many are tempted to skip due diligence and take those second measurements
to save a few minutes and a few dollars. Many take their chances, If “the cut” is correct, there are savings. However, if the cut is wrong, the amount of the loss does not compare to the effort and expense of making it right. In other words what is being done is gambling. The risk far exceeds the reward.
Remember, it’s faster to double-check than to make a mistake.
November 29, 2012
Measure twice, cut once
Financial Planning,
Tax Planning
November 24, 2012
Fixing The Fiscal Hole
Everyone by now has heard of the upcoming "Fiscal Cliff", the expected effect of a number of laws which, unless changed, could result in tax increases, spending cuts, and a corresponding reduction in the budget deficit beginning in 2013. Many economists expect that the end result of the fiscal cliff will be another recession. Will the President and Congress reach an agreement for the well being of this country or will they continue in their petty fights before they drag us into a bottomless pit with them? Will there be bipartisan agreement or will each side emerge
with a "victory" for their political supporters? Will they come to theirs senses and put the American people first or will this be just another round of partisan line battles surely geared towards mutual defeat?
The tax increases and spending cuts that are due to take place by January 1, 2013 are expected to automatically slash the federal budget deficit by $503 billion, according to the most recent Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projections. In addition, over the next ten years, projected increases in the United States public debt (money borrowed by the federal government of the United States through the issue of securities by the Treasury and other federal government agencies) would be lowered by as much as $7.1 trillion or about 70%, resulting in a considerably lower ratio of debt relative to the size of the economy. On 21 November 2012, debt held by the public was approximately $11.45 trillion or about 72% of GDP. Also, As of September 2012, $5.5 trillion or approximately 48% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest of which were China and Japan at just over $1.1 trillion each.
The stats above do not seem to be so bad. However, the immediate spending reduction with an increase in revenues in a weak economy may push the United States back into a recession and many fear into a depression. The main problem of our fiscal current situation is simple math, you do not need a Phd in economics to figure this out; the federal government spends more than the income it generates. They have been poor managers of the financial resources entrusted to them by the people of this country. This must change!
We must address the root of the problem. We must end unfair tax policies that encourage U.S. corporations to ship jobs overseas and receive tax breaks for doing so. From 2008 to 2010, at least 30 Fortune 500 companies —including PepsiCo, Verizon, Wells Fargo, and DuPont—paid more for lobbyists than they did in taxes. They collectively spent $476 million sucking up to Congress, buying protection for tax breaks and special subsidies, and corrupting the souls of politicians. The US Congress has turned into a harlot filled with prostitues available to the highest bidders. We must encourage entrepreneurship in the United States but not at the cost of the American people to pick up the tax bill.
What are the politicians going to do differently this time? Are they going to increase taxes? Are they going to reduce spending? The reality is Washington, DC cannot solve all their past mismanagement simply by over-taxing the people that voted them into office nor by eliminating programs that are necessary. The decision facing this congress when they return to Washington is not easy, but must be done by putting the
people of the United States and the future country first.
If you have not realized it yet, we have already fallen off the cliff. We must focus on climbing out of the hole which is going to be painful.
Debt = Slavery,
Fiscal Cliff,
Great Recession
November 21, 2012
The End of the International Bankers Cartel
“If congress has the right under the Constitution to issue paper money, it was given them to use themselves, not to be delegated to individuals
or corporations.” - Andrew Jackson
“The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity.” - Abraham Lincoln
“All wars are economic in their origin” - BERNARD BARUCH, before Nye Committee, 9-13-1937
“Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who makes its Laws” - ANSELM MEYER ROTHSCHILD (owners of major banks including the Bank of England)
“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” - HENRY FORD
"The Central Bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the principles and form of our Constitution." - Thomas Jefferson
As we approach the end of 2012, there is a lot of people concerned with the Mayan predictions of the end of the world. If that prediction comes to pass then this article will have no validity. However, I am of the belief that the world wont end on December 21, 2012. Maybe the end that will happen is the end of the international bankers' schemes to rob us from our freedom.
It is not hard to see the impact of excessive and easy credit can cause to a nation and families, all you have to do is watch the international news. You can feel the growing pain around Europe and North America. An economy that is founded in credit and debt is bound to collapse like any other pyramid scam. Prior to all of the schemes the international bankers introduced, the foundation of an economic model was "supply and demand". However, this formula does not work for the international bankers since they do not have much control over the supply and demand, they needed to create economies that were dependent on something they had control; debt-collateralized banknotes.
In the case of the United States, after the removal of the gold as the collateral for our monetary system, the international bankers had finally achieved what they needed to control the economy of a nation. A monetary system that is not contolled by the amount of gold in reserves nor supply and demand. Now with unrestrained pumping into the economy of credit and debt, they have wrecked havoc in our economy. Please understand that uncontrolled credit leads to debt and debt leads to slavery. This was evident in our recent implosion of our economy and the housing market. This is not a republican nor a democrat problem, it is a systemic problem we have and must cast out from this nation like a bad demonic spirit.
The success of the bankers' "economic system" depends in you and I getting more and more into debt (what they call credit expansion). Under their system, inflation/deflation and growth/recession is measured by the level of debt we are consuming. The economic growth is not based on the growth of our nation measured by levels of unemployment, and gross domestic product, it based on how much debt we are consuming. To keep this monster at peace you need to enslave yourself, your children and your grand-chldren into a perpetual slavery to absorb more debt and work countless hours to pay what you can towards your mountain of debt. This economic fraud by the international banking cartel must end.
Just last week FHA announced that they have a deficit (a.k.a. Bail Out Time). Who do you think will have to bail out this governmental agency? The international bankers that caused the problem? The president and congress who has not stopped this madness? No. You and I will have to pay for it. Since the only source of income this nation has is the taxes they charge to you and I, they will put more weight on our shoulders to
carry; "after all you do not want the recession to prolong, do you?" May be we should let the FHA collapse and this time we vote no to the bail out. This action most certainly will initiate an economic collapse that will be felt across the globe. However, this wont be the end. After this event we rise into another economic model, a model not controlled by the amount of credit we consume, bubbles, and the "markets". The prinitng of more "paper money" will only lead to more debt, since the only backing for that paper is debt, which leads to the debasement of the currency and potentially hyperinflation. Staying in status-quo out of fear will lead to the stagflation of the 70's. Monetary reform is a must!
I am not an economist. However, you do not need to be an economist to see that there is a systemic problem with our economic model. You must research on your own and arrive to your own conclusions for the well being of your families. Speaking up in this country today, may lead you into trouble and be called names. However, staying quiet wont solve the root of the problem. I leave you today with this quote:
“Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the great
fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money.” – Sir Josiah Stamp, Director of the Bank of England (appointed 1928). Reputed to be the 2nd wealthiest man in England at that time.
Bank Bailout,
Debt = Slavery,
Great Recession,
November 17, 2012
An FHA Bailout?
On November 15th the WSJ runs the story titled “FHA Nears Need for Taxpayer Funds”. Here we go again, another bank to bail out. The story
outlines serious financial problems facing the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and it could exhaust its reserve. One of the problems cited for the reduced reserves is the rising mortgage deliquencies. Interestingly enough, after the housing and lending meltdown of 2008, the FHA became the lender for the subprime borrowers. So with a lending program of 3% down and subprime borrowers, what could be wrong with this formula?
FHA has been the key element to the “housing recovery” our government has been trying to sell to us. After the collapse of 2008, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac failed and FHA was left to pick up the pieces. FHA doesn't actually make loans but instead insures lenders against losses and has played a critical role helping the housing market by backing mortgages of borrowers that most private lenders won't originate without a government guarantee. The FHA accounted for one third of loans used to purchase homes last year among owner occupants.
Though the FHA guarantees fewer mortgages than either Fannie or Freddie, it now has more seriously delinquent loans than either of the mortgage-finance giants. Overall, the FHA insured nearly 739,000 loans that were 90 days or more past due or in foreclosure at the end of September, an increase of more than 100,000 loans from a year ago. That represents about 9.6% of $1.08 trillion in mortgages guaranteed.
So you see why I am saying that the FHA Bailout is almost certain to happen. As the only player left, the FHA has simply been the sole source of mortgage provision to the subprime market.
outlines serious financial problems facing the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and it could exhaust its reserve. One of the problems cited for the reduced reserves is the rising mortgage deliquencies. Interestingly enough, after the housing and lending meltdown of 2008, the FHA became the lender for the subprime borrowers. So with a lending program of 3% down and subprime borrowers, what could be wrong with this formula?
FHA has been the key element to the “housing recovery” our government has been trying to sell to us. After the collapse of 2008, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac failed and FHA was left to pick up the pieces. FHA doesn't actually make loans but instead insures lenders against losses and has played a critical role helping the housing market by backing mortgages of borrowers that most private lenders won't originate without a government guarantee. The FHA accounted for one third of loans used to purchase homes last year among owner occupants.
Though the FHA guarantees fewer mortgages than either Fannie or Freddie, it now has more seriously delinquent loans than either of the mortgage-finance giants. Overall, the FHA insured nearly 739,000 loans that were 90 days or more past due or in foreclosure at the end of September, an increase of more than 100,000 loans from a year ago. That represents about 9.6% of $1.08 trillion in mortgages guaranteed.
So you see why I am saying that the FHA Bailout is almost certain to happen. As the only player left, the FHA has simply been the sole source of mortgage provision to the subprime market.
Could this be Tim Geithner's last act as Treasury Secretary?
Mr. Geithner came in bailing out financial institutions and will go out the same way. He may be remembered as the Bailout King. If everything goes to plan. FHA problems will be swept under the carpet with no problems at all and this may happen before the end of this year. Hummmm, this may be the catastrophic event that people are waiting to happen on December 21!
Bank Bailout,
Great Recession
October 17, 2012
Debt Can Take Over Your Life
Debt is something that too many of us have to worry about day after day, feeling as though things might not ever get better some days. It is so very stressful wondering how in the world you could ever possibly find some debt relief and in many instances, it can cause depression, anxiety and even problems within a relationship or marriage. Throughout this article I want to discuss with you some more information regarding debt relief and how you can get it.
There are many options available for those of you who are completely flipping out each day just trying to make ends meet, feeling as if it will never get any better for you. Nothing positive is going to come your way if you do not decide to try and do something about it. Some choices are not easily made but in life, if you do not sacrifice when needed, things just might not get any better for you. We all want more information regarding debt relief, right! So, keep reading this article.
One thing that you could do if you are noticing that debt is controlling every aspect of your life is, start making some changes on the way you spend money, what you spend money on, how much you are spending and anything else within your daily routine that might need to be changed a little, to ease you from some of your financial struggles. Sit down and really give this a great deal of thought, instead of crying all the time, wishing, hoping and just waiting for something to change, without doing anything to make it happen!
Really pay close attention to what financial mistakes you are currently making that is helping to keep this debt burden on your shoulders at all times. Are you doing everything right, are you blowing unnecessary money on unimportant things, are you working hard enough to earn the money that it is going to take to clear up some of the debts that have collected over time? These are some questions that you all need to be asking yourself in order to begin the process of making corrections and different improvements in your life.
You also have the option of debt consolidation but make sure before you make any decision to do something such as this, that you are going through a legitimate company that is highly reputable. This decision needs to be one that is going to really help you financially. Ask plenty of important questions and really make sure that this is the best decision which will benefit you the most.
Get on the internet and do some research in your spare time, to find out more about debt relief, as well as different little things you can do on your own to try and help out with your stressful financial situation. Anybody can run into problems such as these and it can happen when you least expect it. Do not wait for it all to pile up so drastically that nothing could possibly be done about it, do something now!
There are many options available for those of you who are completely flipping out each day just trying to make ends meet, feeling as if it will never get any better for you. Nothing positive is going to come your way if you do not decide to try and do something about it. Some choices are not easily made but in life, if you do not sacrifice when needed, things just might not get any better for you. We all want more information regarding debt relief, right! So, keep reading this article.
One thing that you could do if you are noticing that debt is controlling every aspect of your life is, start making some changes on the way you spend money, what you spend money on, how much you are spending and anything else within your daily routine that might need to be changed a little, to ease you from some of your financial struggles. Sit down and really give this a great deal of thought, instead of crying all the time, wishing, hoping and just waiting for something to change, without doing anything to make it happen!
Really pay close attention to what financial mistakes you are currently making that is helping to keep this debt burden on your shoulders at all times. Are you doing everything right, are you blowing unnecessary money on unimportant things, are you working hard enough to earn the money that it is going to take to clear up some of the debts that have collected over time? These are some questions that you all need to be asking yourself in order to begin the process of making corrections and different improvements in your life.
You also have the option of debt consolidation but make sure before you make any decision to do something such as this, that you are going through a legitimate company that is highly reputable. This decision needs to be one that is going to really help you financially. Ask plenty of important questions and really make sure that this is the best decision which will benefit you the most.
Get on the internet and do some research in your spare time, to find out more about debt relief, as well as different little things you can do on your own to try and help out with your stressful financial situation. Anybody can run into problems such as these and it can happen when you least expect it. Do not wait for it all to pile up so drastically that nothing could possibly be done about it, do something now!
August 26, 2012
Accountability;The path of recovery
"Restoring responsibility and accountability is essential to the economic and fiscal health of our nation." ~ Carl Levin
“It is wrong and immoral to seek to escape the consequences of one's acts.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
“A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody.” ~ Thomas Paine
As I look back to our recent "Great Recession", it is disturbing the lack of accountability from those who wrecked our economy. What is more troublesome is that those who did the damage are still in charge and the American people has not awaken to this reality and take action. As a reaction to the problem, the American people got together and bailed-out the same banks and financial institutions that caused the financial crisis and replaced 63 Democrats with a like number of Republicans. My question to you is, Are things any better now?
Not until we accept responsibility for our actions. we will see true recovery. Otherwise, we will be given an "illusion of prosperity" and we will continue making the same mistakes repeatedly and never find the solution to the problem. We will continue switching from democrats to republicans back to democrats (you get the point) and never solve the problem. Is it possible that all this emphasis on the "illusion of recovery" is only intended to keep us quiet in preparation for the upcoming elections? Why is congress given up on addressing the current fiscal problem we have and postponed it until after the elections? How is that possible?
The stock market has shown signs of recovery from the low point of 2007, so everyone seems to be happy. The stock market closed over 13,000 points, so what! Why not publish how are we going to get out of this mess? Why not focus on matter that are important to us; employment, savings rate, health issues, education, etc. Why continue talking how the "health of the stock market"? Have you received the benefits of the stock market recovery? Let me ask you then, why is it that the stock market has recovered and every news stations and financial papers seems to focus on this point and fail to focus on the unemployment problem we still have.
It seems that our unemployment rate is hovering around 8 to 8.5 percent. You may cheer and say, RECOVERY!!!, let me ask you how is this figure calculated? Something that we
are not told is that the calculation does not include, 1) those who have stopped looking for a job, 2) those that are under-employed, nor 3) those who accepted salary cuts to keep
their current jobs. Are we really recovering from the recession?
If so, why are more people now in food stamps than before 2007? To add more salt to the injury, the taxing system seems distorted. The New York Times when it pointed out that the top 400 taxpayers who earned $250 million on average in 2005 paid income taxes at a 17.2 percent rate. That rate is lower than that of a family making between $50,000 and $75,000 a year,
which is 17.4 percent. It is a continuing outrage that under our tax code some of the wealthy pay a lower percentage of taxes on their income than the middle class.
"little people" pay taxes. We know life is unfair, but that doesn't mean the "little people" have to allow their government to continue to oppress them. ~ Leona Helmsley
“It is wrong and immoral to seek to escape the consequences of one's acts.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
“A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody.” ~ Thomas Paine
As I look back to our recent "Great Recession", it is disturbing the lack of accountability from those who wrecked our economy. What is more troublesome is that those who did the damage are still in charge and the American people has not awaken to this reality and take action. As a reaction to the problem, the American people got together and bailed-out the same banks and financial institutions that caused the financial crisis and replaced 63 Democrats with a like number of Republicans. My question to you is, Are things any better now?
Not until we accept responsibility for our actions. we will see true recovery. Otherwise, we will be given an "illusion of prosperity" and we will continue making the same mistakes repeatedly and never find the solution to the problem. We will continue switching from democrats to republicans back to democrats (you get the point) and never solve the problem. Is it possible that all this emphasis on the "illusion of recovery" is only intended to keep us quiet in preparation for the upcoming elections? Why is congress given up on addressing the current fiscal problem we have and postponed it until after the elections? How is that possible?
The stock market has shown signs of recovery from the low point of 2007, so everyone seems to be happy. The stock market closed over 13,000 points, so what! Why not publish how are we going to get out of this mess? Why not focus on matter that are important to us; employment, savings rate, health issues, education, etc. Why continue talking how the "health of the stock market"? Have you received the benefits of the stock market recovery? Let me ask you then, why is it that the stock market has recovered and every news stations and financial papers seems to focus on this point and fail to focus on the unemployment problem we still have.

"little people" pay taxes. We know life is unfair, but that doesn't mean the "little people" have to allow their government to continue to oppress them. ~ Leona Helmsley
August 17, 2012
The Invisible US Great Depression
According to Al Lewis on The News Hub, we’re actually in a depression right now, but most people don’t see it. One out of seven Americans are on food stamps – if they weren’t getting cards in the mail every month, you’d see them in soup lines. Millions of home in foreclosure or bank owned and you don’t know it, because the banks aren’t releasing them to the market. Watch the video below.
SEC Stops $15 Million Investment Scam
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced
fraud charges and an emergency asset freeze against a Denver-based
company and two Colorado residents for allegedly carrying out a $15.7
million Ponzi scheme that dragged in more than 120 investors nationwide. The SEC alleges that Michael J. Turnock and William P. Sullivan II
sold promissory notes to investors with the promise of annual returns of
up to 12 percent, but actually paid the returns with funds from other
The two sold the notes through Bridge Premium Finance LL, which purported to be an insurance premium financing company. They claimed the funds from the notes would be used to make short-term loans to small businesses to enable them to pay their up-front commercial insurance premiums, and assured investors that the business was doing well and that their funds were 100 percent protected through collateral. However according to the SEC, Bridge Premium has been unprofitable; its obligations to noteholders far exceed its assets; and it has been paying investors back with other investors' money since 2002. In addition, Turnock and Sullivan withheld from investors that Bridge Premium has not been profitable in any year since at least 1998, and has lost more than $3 million during the past five years. In May 2012, Bridge Premium owed investors more than $6.2 million, yet its insurance premium loan portfolio totaled less than $250,000 and its assets totaled less than $500,000.
The two sold the notes through Bridge Premium Finance LL, which purported to be an insurance premium financing company. They claimed the funds from the notes would be used to make short-term loans to small businesses to enable them to pay their up-front commercial insurance premiums, and assured investors that the business was doing well and that their funds were 100 percent protected through collateral. However according to the SEC, Bridge Premium has been unprofitable; its obligations to noteholders far exceed its assets; and it has been paying investors back with other investors' money since 2002. In addition, Turnock and Sullivan withheld from investors that Bridge Premium has not been profitable in any year since at least 1998, and has lost more than $3 million during the past five years. In May 2012, Bridge Premium owed investors more than $6.2 million, yet its insurance premium loan portfolio totaled less than $250,000 and its assets totaled less than $500,000.
August 14, 2012
A Global Gold Standard
In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect
savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of
value. If there were, the government would have to make its holding
illegal, as was done in the case of gold. If everyone decided, for
example, to convert all his bank deposits to silver or copper or any
other good, and thereafter declined to accept checks as payment for
goods, bank deposits would lose their purchasing power and
government-created bank credit would be worthless as a claim on goods.
The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there be no way
for the owners of wealth to protect themselves. - Alan Greenspan (1966)
It is clear by now that deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. It doesn’t matter
whether that deficit spending is in the name of providing benefits to
certain people in society or depriving certain people of benefits. It is
still confiscation whether done in the name of aggression or in the
name of benevolence. It seems that Mr. Greenspan knew all along that there is no safe way of protecting wealth other than gold. In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings
from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value. If
there were, the government would have to make its holding illegal, as
was done in the case of gold.
Money is the common denominator of all economic transactions.
Money serves as a medium of exchange; it is
universally acceptable to all participants in an exchange economy as
payment for their goods or services, and can, therefore, be used as a
standard of market value and as a store of value, i.e., as a means of
saving. Can paper money backed by thin air do that?
It is amazing that the same man who was quoted above became the "US Chief Officer of Plunder" aka Chairman of the Federal Reserve. He is also known as “The Maestro” by
his admirers in the media. However, lately his popularity has lessened as his
policies have been linked as the source of our current economic
problems. Maybe he should have preached his original principles during his tenure as a Chairman of the Federal Reserve rather
than become a puppet of the State and a part of the problem.
August 9, 2012
Investors Yank Another $5.68 Billion from U.S. Equity Funds
Outflows from U.S. equity funds show no signs of letting up, according to the latest statistics from the Investment Company Institute. For the week ended Aug. 1, investors pulled an estimated $5.68 billion from funds that invest long-term in U.S. equities, more than twice the $2.13 billion they withdrew the week before. Since the beginning of the year, U.S. stock funds have lost more than $64 billion in outflows.
Bond funds took in estimated inflows of $5.07 billion, down 12% from the $5.76 billion inflow a week earlier. Of the $5.07 billion, $3.94 billion went to taxable bond funds with the remaining $1.13 billion going to municipal bond funds.
Overall, mutual funds logged a lousy week, losing an estimated $1.19 billion in outflows, a sharp reversal from the previous week's $3.50 billion inflow.
The weekly fund flow estimates are derived from data covering more than 95% of industry assets, according to ICI. The statistics cover long-term mutual funds, those the ICI defines as investing in long-term instruments.
August 4, 2012
If you think that money market funds are just another checking account...
Many investors when they close their equity positions and need a place to park their cash, they do not use their checking account. Most of them will sell their stocks and let their stock broker place the proceeds into a money market fund. Nothing wrong with that if you are aware the risks associated with this type of account. Many investors when they receive their monthly investment statement and look at the allocation of their investment portfolio and see "cash" they assume their money is parked in a low risk account similar to a checking account but better since it holds high-quality short-term commercial paper that almost never defaults and gives them a higher yield than checking.
However, that assumption can lead you to some frustrations later when you see your "cash" dwindling. If you review the account information of your money market fund you will notice that the fund is investing in some disturbing things such as European bank debt. However, you may think that you can get your money out with a mouse click, right? After all it is like a checking account and it is your money.
You may be for a surprise. The US Fed recognizes the potential weakness of the money fund system and is considering withdrawal limits on money market funds.On July 19, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York said it supports limiting some types of money-market fund withdrawals in a bid to protect those funds from suffering the equivalent of a bank run. Interesting!
Many things that have been sold to us as "risk-free", may after all not be so "risk-free". Money market funds must be reviewed and you cannot assume that it is "like a savings account" with no or little risk. Many things that we were told that were sound investments need to be re-evaluated. Banks can no longer be trusted to be "too big to fail", Corporate America cannot be trusted to properly compesate us for our labor, governments do run out of money, and even the all mighty dollar stops functioning as a store of value.
What will happen next? Will our government impose control over our retirement accounts?
However, that assumption can lead you to some frustrations later when you see your "cash" dwindling. If you review the account information of your money market fund you will notice that the fund is investing in some disturbing things such as European bank debt. However, you may think that you can get your money out with a mouse click, right? After all it is like a checking account and it is your money.
You may be for a surprise. The US Fed recognizes the potential weakness of the money fund system and is considering withdrawal limits on money market funds.On July 19, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York said it supports limiting some types of money-market fund withdrawals in a bid to protect those funds from suffering the equivalent of a bank run. Interesting!
Many things that have been sold to us as "risk-free", may after all not be so "risk-free". Money market funds must be reviewed and you cannot assume that it is "like a savings account" with no or little risk. Many things that we were told that were sound investments need to be re-evaluated. Banks can no longer be trusted to be "too big to fail", Corporate America cannot be trusted to properly compesate us for our labor, governments do run out of money, and even the all mighty dollar stops functioning as a store of value.
What will happen next? Will our government impose control over our retirement accounts?
Asset Protection,
Money Market Funds
July 28, 2012
Do you need life insurance?
The main purpose of life insurance is to protect someone whose finances depend on you being alive. For example, if only one of you is working, you need a policy to protect the spouse who is not earning money against the loss of income. The same applies in the case when you have a spouse that earns the majority of the household income.
Another factor to consider is large financial obligations, such as a mortgage. In the eventually of death the proceeds of the life insurance can be used to reduce or eliminate the financial obligation and leave the surviving spouse in a better position.
Another factor to consider is large financial obligations, such as a mortgage. In the eventually of death the proceeds of the life insurance can be used to reduce or eliminate the financial obligation and leave the surviving spouse in a better position.
July 2, 2012
Five Tips For Financial Freedom
1. Establish and Control Cash Flow
The building blocks of any financial plan are liquidity (or like my wife calls it “fluidity”) and expense management. People who spend more than their income will never achieve financial independence. Your best friend is your family budget, without it you will be spending blindly which will lead you into constant shortfalls and borrowing from your savings or credit cards to cover the “unexpected shortfall”.
2. Manage and Eliminate Debt
As part of the post-recession era, families should have as their primary goal to eliminate debt. As long as our families continue enslaved by debt, we are selling our children's future to the money changers.
3. Establish an Emergency Fund
Families should have at least a three month reserve of cash for emergencies. Once you have established your 3 months of reserve, you should work towards 6 to 9 months of reserves. Emergencies come in different ways from layoffs to natural disasters to illness or death of a family member. Having this emergency fund is critical to sustain those rocky moments. For this type of funds you should avoid Mutual funds, Money market accounts and CDs. Instead go for a savings account or even cash in a safe at home, remember the key is liquidity for this fund.
4. Protect Your Assets
Another aspect we fall short in the United States is inadequate protection for our assets should a wage earner die or become disabled. Tax planning and using retirement and savings products that offer tax protection are key. Life insurance, retirement and saving vehicles should be carefully evaluated to financial hardship should a disability or death occur. A family trust can save thousands of dollars in probate in the event of a death as well.
5. Grow Your Wealth
Even in a down market sound investments will still produce returns that grow and protect principle. Take advantage of investment plans from reputable companies with a history of success and expertise. Avoid uncertain and extremely speculative offers. As money grows, the potential for earnings increases exponentially.
Financial freedom does not come free, it requires strong management, planning and foresight. However, with proper planning and using these basic guidelines, your journey will be more enjoyable and will yield a brighter financial future tomorrow.
Asset Protection,
Debt Management,
Family Budget,
Financial Planning,
Personal Finance,
Tax Planning
June 23, 2012
5 Tips on Saving Money at Home
There might be signs of improvement in the economy. However, with our living expenses increasing, It is important to be savvy about our expenditures.
- Review your insurance policies
- Get those insurance policies out of the storage and review them.
If you need help, have your CPA help you determine if there is
overlap, unnecessary coverage, or if coverages that are missing or
need to be changed due to your current situation.
- Save on books and magazines - Use
the library. They have plenty of books, CD’s and DVDs. You can
also request that the library buy certain books.
- Watch for crippling fees
– We get bombarded by fees are everywhere; bank fees, atm fees,
cash checking fees, late fees. Many of them individually are small
and many times we do not pay attention to them, but they can add up
when analyzed as a whole and over time erode your household
- Be a savvy grocery shopper
– grocery monthly bills tend to be one of our largest household
expenses after mortgage. Many times we shop based on convenience and
shop at the closest store or on impulse and end up buying things we
do not need. One way to save on groceries is the use of coupons, you
can visit online to a site like
- Stop pretending –
Many of the financial problems that many American families are going
through now has to due with our consumption patterns. Many
individuals buy to satisfy an inner need to fit in and be classified
as “special”, “vip”, “discriminating”, etc. You need
understand that manufacturers don't care about your mental,
spiritual, nor financial well being; all they care is to increase
sales and profits. Therefore, make your “discriminating”
purchases based on your family current financial means and not to
show your neighbors and friends what brand of shirt you are wearing
when your family is starving and you cannot pay the mortgage.
Family Budget,
Personal Finance,
Saving Money Tips
April 17, 2012
Self-Discipline the Key To Saving Money and True Wealth
"For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it." - Hebrews 12:11
In today's world we have become accustomed to excess. We can never have enough and this behavior has overruled good judgement and common sense. We see how people love to spend, even for things that are entirely unnecessary and useless. Shopping has become our favorite pastime, eating out with friends and families at the most extravagant restaurants has become a lifestyle.
This type of behavior is destructive. With families suffering from the results of our most recent recession, we most take extreme measures to be able to counteract the result of the lack of discipline of the last decades. The best thing we can do for our families is to commit to manage our money, save for the future and to control impulses through self-discipline. One of the best way to save money is to be aware of the fact that one has the power to define the state of his finances specifically through a conscious effort of disciplining the way one spends and controlling one's expenditures.
Self-discipline requires to act in accordance with wisdom instead of feelings. Many times it requires the sacrifice of short-term pleasure and thrills for what matters most in life and long-term rewards. Self-discipline is what drives us to:
* work on a project after the initial thrill has faded away.
* keeps you going to the gym after January 31st.
* wake up early and go to work when all you want to do is lie in bed a little longer.
* say no when tempted to deviate from wisdom.
There is never a better time than today to practice financial self-discipline. There are many ways we can easily be tempted into a debt trap. Self-discipline is the key to reducing one's debts and increasing the possibility of growing one's savings. Otherwise you’ll continue to become ensnared in cycle of endless debt, ruining both your present financial circumstances, as well as your future.
One of the essential keys to successful money management, specifically saving money is to possess proper attitude. Self-discipline is at the topmost of this proper attitudes list, of course. Understanding the high correlation between self-discipline and saving money, the next logical question is, how do we start acquiring and developing this self-discipline, which often appears so evasive? Well, there are a lot of methods which folks often times take for granted. Here are a few of the easier ones that are almost effortless to follow. Memorize them, and they will grow on you. Attempt to implement these steps gradually in your day-to-day living and certainly they will deliver you tremendous fruits on your path to financial stability.
Here are some helpful money saving tips.
1. Focus on liquidity - Realize that the most convenient method of building one's wealth is through saving money. Start by developing a three months of reserve, with a goal to increase it to six and then to nine months. This will create the cushion you need to sustain the next storm.
2. Cut Unnecessary Expenditures - One of the biggest culprits in the erosion of family wealth is the excessive spending on items which are not necessary. Trips to fast food, movies, trips to the beach, trips to the salon, etc. Each of these things need to be cut to a bare minimum.
3. Eliminate Impulse Purchases - One of our worst enemies and destroyer of family stability. Take your time when buying, especially the expensive items. If you really need it, it would most definitely not slip your mind. Otherwise, if you go along forgetting all about it, then it isn't really worth the money you have to spend on it at all.
4. Eliminate Credit Card Debt - The biggest culprit of debt slavery. Credit card debts hold the number one slot as the cause for financial drains in our society these days. Learn to manage and eliminate your credit card debt. It is also important that we teach our children about the proper use of credit cards to prevent them from becoming debt slaves.
Credit Card Debt Statistics (source: Consolidated Credit)
Credit card debt represents a big portion of our total national debt. It is also a major source of financial hardship for many Americans who struggle to pay their bills each month.
* Total U.S. revolving debt as of May, 2011: $798.3 billion - 98% of that is made up of consumer credit card debt
* Average credit card debt per household: $6,600 - However, if you count only households that use credit cards: $15,799
* The average consumer has an average of 3.5 credit cards - This number has been greatly reduced during the economic downturn; prior to 2008, Americans averaged 5.5 credit cards
* There are 178.6 million credit cardholders in the U.S.
* The average age to get a first credit card is now 20.8 years
* Average credit card APR (interest rate) as of November, 2011: 12.36%
No matter how you look at it, saving money is easy to do. It requires discipline, a little bit of imagination, and some creativity which will take you a long way in keeping hold of your hard-earned money, restoring peace to your family and building true wealth.
Family Budget,
Wealth Building
April 15, 2012
Don’t Listen to the “so-called” Gurus
One of the biggest challenges we have in our society is the overflow of information. I think we have too much information and little or no idea how to discern the truth from the lies. The risk of the overflow of information is that we may be lead astray by lies that seems right at first sight. Couple this issue with our human nature to easily be impressed by the so called "Gurus" or experts. Regardless of the subject matter, we have a gurus on that subject.
If you look around the Internet or in your local book-store you will find a lot of hype about how you can become a millionaire with nothing more than a keyboard and a mouse. Sometimes they dare to suggest that you can become a millionaire in 30 days without lifting a finger! There are even some who will try to sell you pyramid schemes, get-rich-quick plans and every other kind of scam you can imagine. The sad part is that there are actually people who buy them. At the illusion of easy money, people whip out their wallets and give away their life savings.
My advice: stop listening to the so-called gurus! What qualifies them as experts on the subject? don’t listen to advice from someone who hasn’t been there and done it themselves! This is absolutely crucial.
I have written an ebook "Increase Your Financial IQ" geared towards those interested in improving their financial knowledge and building true wealth.
If you look around the Internet or in your local book-store you will find a lot of hype about how you can become a millionaire with nothing more than a keyboard and a mouse. Sometimes they dare to suggest that you can become a millionaire in 30 days without lifting a finger! There are even some who will try to sell you pyramid schemes, get-rich-quick plans and every other kind of scam you can imagine. The sad part is that there are actually people who buy them. At the illusion of easy money, people whip out their wallets and give away their life savings.
My advice: stop listening to the so-called gurus! What qualifies them as experts on the subject? don’t listen to advice from someone who hasn’t been there and done it themselves! This is absolutely crucial.
I have written an ebook "Increase Your Financial IQ" geared towards those interested in improving their financial knowledge and building true wealth.
April 14, 2012
Are Blogging Expenses Deductible?
Yes. Like any other business, if you
generate revenues from your blog(s) and live in the United States you
are required to report the income generated from your blogging
activities. Therefore, you are entitled to deduct all “ordinary
and necessary” expenses related to that venture. However, it is
important that you have your expenses well documented.
Here are examples of deductions you may
be entitled to deduct against your blogging income:
- Internet related expenses – hosting fees, domain name registration fees and blogging software.
- Computer equipment – computer, laptop, Ipad, web camera, digital camera, and software.
- Communications-related equipment used to run your blog – fax machine and cell phone.
- Office equipment – desk, chair, and file cabinets.
- Office space related expenses – rent and utilities.
- Office supplies – business cards, paper, folders, stamps and stationery.
- Advertising – logo and letterhead designs, promotional give-aways, and SEO services.
- Travel & entertainment – conference fees, and hotel, and dinning while traveling away related to your blog.
- Professional associations and subscriptions – books, magazines, website memberships, and professional association dues.
- Professional fees – lawyer and accountant.
The key to your success in deducting
your blogging expenses is to have organized records. It may seem to
you that you are not
spending a lot on your blogging endeavours. However, the reality is
that blogging costs and if you are making income from your blogging,
you might want to offset some of that with the help of tax breaks for
your costs.
April 3, 2012
Take Advantage of the Retirement Tax Credit
If you make eligible contributions to an employer-sponsored retirement plan or to an individual retirement arrangement (IRA), you may be eligible for a tax credit, depending on your age and income.
Here are six things you need to know about the Retirement Tax Credit or Savers Credit:1. Income limits
- Single, married filing separately, or qualifying widow(er),
with income up to $28,250
- Head of Household with income up to $42,375
- Married Filing Jointly, with incomes up to $56,500
- Must be at least 18 years of age,
- Cannot have been a full-time student during the calendar year
- Cannot be claimed as a dependent on another person's return.
The amount of the credit will depend on the adjusted gross income of the individual or household and the size of the contribution. The maximum contribution amount to which this credit can be applied is $2,000. For households with an adjusted gross income of :
$30,000 and under ($22,500 for individuals) the credit rate is 50%.
$30,001 and $32,500 ($22,501 – $24,375 for individuals) the credit rate is 20%.
$32,501 to $50,000 ($24,376 – $37,500 for individuals) the credit rate is 10%.
For example, married couple with a household income of $32,000 contribute $2,000 to a retirement plan will receive a tax credit of $400 ($2,000 x 20%).
4. Qualified plans
- Employer-sponsored plans such as 401(k), SIMPLE and SEP plans,
- Governmental 457 plan,
- Traditional and Roth IRAs.
5. Other tax benefits
6. Forms to use
- To claim the credit use Form 8880, Credit for Qualified
Retirement Savings Contributions.
- IRS Publication 590, Individual Retirement Arrangements
- Publication 4703, Retirement Savings Contributions Credit
- Publications and forms can be downloaded at
or ordered by calling 800-TAX-FORM (800-829-3676)
March 24, 2012
Why I Dislike Income Tax Refunds
This is the time of the year when American families are anxiously waiting for their income tax refunds. According to IRS information (source: Washinton Post March 22, 2012) through March 10, the IRS has issued 59.2 million refund checks totaling $174.4 billion. That is approximately $3,000 tax refund per check.
If you are proud of the tax refund you received or anxiously waiting for your tax refund to be spent on your big plasma TV, I have some bad news for you. Although most people love getting tax refunds, a refund typically means you wasted your money. All you have done is give the government an interest-free loan. Therefore, Americans receiving a refund should be upset and not happy.
In simple terms, when a person receives a tax refund it means that he missed opportunities during the year to bring that cash home and make that cash produce for him. Instead he lent the money interest-free to the government, who happily returns now returns a portion to you. The problem is that the money was always yours and the government has had the benefit throughout the year of spending and investing your money and gives you no return in your investment. It is the worse savings or investment program you can have. Still, it is difficult to make people understand this concept, income tax refunds are bad for your personal finances.
$3,000 a year translate to $250 per month more in your family finances. If you take the $250 extra per month and invest in a Roth IRA that grows at 8% for a period of 10 years you will have a little over $46,000. Instead of giving you hard earned money to the government interest free, you take the extra $250 and place it in an Roth IRA for 20 years you will have approximately $148,000. The power of compounding. In my example I have not taken into consideration adjustments in your monthly deposits to adjust for inflation. I kept it at $250 per month. The good news is that the money you deposited and the growth is all yours. You won't have to give the IRS one penny of it. Special IRS rules applies to these accounts, therefore it is important to you consult with a tax professional to help you.
The above example is only one of many ways to you could put money work better for you. If you are still insisting in receiving a tax refund, I have a great offer for you. I will give you the same deal that the government offers. So to the readers of my blog, who still believe that receiving a refund is better, they can send me their money and I promise I will send іt back tο уου next year starting March 15, 2013, of course without interest. I know you are thinking that this is a silly proposition, but this is exactly what it is done every year.
February 16, 2012
The Truth About Debt Consolidation Programs
"Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law. " - Romans 13:8
"Do not be
among those who give pledges, among those who become sureties for debts.
If you have nothing with which to pay, why should he take your bed from
under you?" - Proverbs 22:26-27
One of the biggest challenges individuals and families at every economic level have is living “within their means”. In the United States, more than 40% of families spend more than they earn. Credit card debt continues to be a major stumbling block for many individuals and families. Also, the number of personal bankruptcy filings has increased by more than 200% during the past ten years. [Keown, Arthur. (2004). Personal Finance. NJ: Prentice Hall]
It is amazing how families can go on in life, spending more than what they earn. Mathematically it does not add up. However, for a country that has shifted its focus from a producing/manufacturing country to a consumer country we needed to find a way to break the basic accounting formula of 1 + 1 = 2 and Assets - Liabilities = Equity. The solution, facilitate consumer credit and relax the requirements that were needed to qualify for such credit. Now even teens are provided with credit cards, the more the merrier! See by facilitating the access to credit cards, our impulses to purchases something are no longer controlled by the fact that there is no money in the bank account to cover such expenditure, now we just charge it and we worry about the payments later. You go back to jobs that many times people go just for the paychecks so they can go and pay their consumer debt. The process continues in a never ending circle. This way they keep us like hamsters running in the hamster wheel; The birth of a consumerist society.
During one of my readings on the subject of consumerism and debt slavery, I came across of a blog by Stiff Kitten written in May 2010 "Consumerism - enough is enough". I will share a short synopsis about it:
"There are true needs and false needs – but only false needs need to be manufactured and nurtured. Indeed, today’s consumerist society has more or less turned Maslow’s hierarchy on its head. According to Maslow, people should be satisfied when they reach the top of his pyramid-shaped hierarchy of needs, but in modern consumerist culture and society there can be no satisfaction of needs. Consumerist society never satisfies, indeed it is meant not to do so, as any form of satisfaction is an enemy of the consumerist, capitalist society – a society that requires the persistent buying of things we don’t need for its continued existence – what is usually referred to as “growth”."["Consumerism - enough is enough". Stiff Kitten's blog. May 9, 2010. Retrieved February 15, 2012.]
This buying trend is influenced by the saturation of advertising; new offerings from banks (loans and credit); the false perception of immediate gratification; and the false illusion of achieving a better life by buying more and bigger things that we do not need with money we do not have.
The U.S. has 5% of the world's population but uses 50% of the world's resources and creates 30% of the world's waste. The average American consumes 50% more than they did only 50 years ago and, according to author Annie Leonard, 99% of the items bought by consumers are no longer in use after only six months. This type of behaviour is financially and environmentally irresponsible and unsustainable, which is bound to cause havoc in our homes and society.
Now, what all of this has to do with debt consolidation programs. Everything as I will address shortly.
Debt consolidation programs do not address the root of the problem. It is just a band-aid on a blood gushing wound. Many families are lured into this programs as the "easy way out" of the problem and they will soon realise that it is not. True debt management and reduction requires work and discipline. Debt consolidation by itself does not reduce your debt nor addresses the problem, so even if you succeed and pay off your debt, unless you make a change in your behaviour regarding debt you will end up in the same problem shortly.
The solution for true debt reduction is taking responsibility and not by looking for the "easy way out". You need to be willing to work and sacrifice in order to fix the situations that you created with your own irresponsibility. If you are not willing, then you cannot be helped. You must address the behaviour that got you into the mess.
February 10, 2012
You May Miss a Great Opportunity if You Don't Act Now
Last week I wrote about wealth transfer strategies you should consider in 2012. I believe that many families, unless they take action soon they may miss a great opportunity. I do not think that families are understanding the tax legislation wave coming to us in 2013. Maybe the focus right now is the elections.
Just to give you a short summary of tax changes scheduled to kick in with the coming of the new year in 2013 (here I am only covering federal tax legislations, to which you need to add the tax increases of states and cities in your particular area):
- Capital gains tax is scheduled to rise to 23.8% from 15%
- Dividend tax is set to rise to 43.4% from 15%
- Estate and gift tax will rise to 55% from 35%
- Estate and gift tax exemptions are going from $5 million back to $1 million
Regardless of your current tax levels, it is important that you review your current tax situation and meet with your tax advisor to determine how the new tax legislations will impact you. Today I will share with you a much simpler strategy you can implement this month. IRA conversions to Roth IRA. This continues to be an overlooked strategy and I will share with you two good reasons why you should take a closer look at Traditional IRA conversions.
1. In the past, Roth IRAs were capped at $100,000, but that ceiling was lifted in January 2010.
2. You can make contributions past age 70 ½ .
If you are in a situation where you don’t expect your tax rates to go down at retirement, 2012 may be the perfect time to leave your traditional IRA, pay the taxes, and convert the assets into a Roth IRA. Here is why:
1. Assets are currently depressed in value.
2. Lower current tax rates compared to the expected increases in tax rates as shown above, now is a good time to take the conversion tax hit now.
Once you complete the conversion your assets will not only grow tax free but then allow for tax free withdrawals at a period of time when you will probably be paying a much higher tax rate. By doing this you are in essence converting your traditional IRA into a dynastic vehicle by paying the taxes now in a low-tax environment, thus passing the Roth IRA on to your heirs, where the assets can grow indefinitely at a tax-free rate during the heirs’ expected lifetime and be drawn down, as needed, without the heirs paying any taxes.
However, before you go and make any rash decisions you need to take into consideration at least your liquidity and your needs during retirement. The best thing to do is to visit with your tax advisor to crunch the numbers to see if it makes sense in your particular circumstances.
Just to give you a short summary of tax changes scheduled to kick in with the coming of the new year in 2013 (here I am only covering federal tax legislations, to which you need to add the tax increases of states and cities in your particular area):
- Capital gains tax is scheduled to rise to 23.8% from 15%
- Dividend tax is set to rise to 43.4% from 15%
- Estate and gift tax will rise to 55% from 35%
- Estate and gift tax exemptions are going from $5 million back to $1 million
Regardless of your current tax levels, it is important that you review your current tax situation and meet with your tax advisor to determine how the new tax legislations will impact you. Today I will share with you a much simpler strategy you can implement this month. IRA conversions to Roth IRA. This continues to be an overlooked strategy and I will share with you two good reasons why you should take a closer look at Traditional IRA conversions.
1. In the past, Roth IRAs were capped at $100,000, but that ceiling was lifted in January 2010.
2. You can make contributions past age 70 ½ .
If you are in a situation where you don’t expect your tax rates to go down at retirement, 2012 may be the perfect time to leave your traditional IRA, pay the taxes, and convert the assets into a Roth IRA. Here is why:
1. Assets are currently depressed in value.
2. Lower current tax rates compared to the expected increases in tax rates as shown above, now is a good time to take the conversion tax hit now.
Once you complete the conversion your assets will not only grow tax free but then allow for tax free withdrawals at a period of time when you will probably be paying a much higher tax rate. By doing this you are in essence converting your traditional IRA into a dynastic vehicle by paying the taxes now in a low-tax environment, thus passing the Roth IRA on to your heirs, where the assets can grow indefinitely at a tax-free rate during the heirs’ expected lifetime and be drawn down, as needed, without the heirs paying any taxes.
However, before you go and make any rash decisions you need to take into consideration at least your liquidity and your needs during retirement. The best thing to do is to visit with your tax advisor to crunch the numbers to see if it makes sense in your particular circumstances.
February 4, 2012
Wealth Transfer Strategies for 2012
The preservation of a financial legacy in a efficient manner has always had its level of complexity due to the uncertainty of future transfer-tax laws which may tempt many people to put their wealth-transfer planning on hold. This can end up being costly to many families that our the fear of the uncertainty wait and decide for no action. However, strategies to pass wealth to future generations and to fund your desired missions can be put in place at little or no tax cost to the grantor.
The tax theme for 2012 is filled with uncertainty. There are concerns about whether the Bush-era tax cuts will expire at the end of this year. One of the main areas of discussion for this year are the estate tax, the lifetime gift tax and the generation-skipping tax. Currently they are set at $5 million. However, unless there is a change to the law before the end of the year they will be reduced to $1 million. There are also concerns about increases in taxes on capital gains and dividends.
This year will be critical in the implementation of wealth transfer strategies while the current law is still in effect. When the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010 was signed into law, it reunified the gift and estate tax exclusions, enabling individuals to transfer up to $5 million tax-free, which can be applied either to lifetime gifts or to amounts passing at death through an estate. The Act went even further by allowing for “portability” between spouses, so any unused exclusion amount may be transferred to a surviving spouse. Also, the Act increased the Generation Skipping Transfer (GST) tax exemption to $5 million. Finally, any transfers above the $5 million has a top tax rate of 35%, instead of the previous top rate of 55%. As you can see, this year offers a opportunity to transfer more wealth tax-free and pay a substantially lower rate for transfers above the transfer limits.
Keeping a current wealth management plan is critical to protecting wealth through changing tax environments. The following solutions offer particular advantages under the current law for individuals who are looking to tax-effectively transfer their wealth. Here are some tips for your consideration in 2012:
1. Make Lifetime Gifts - With the current higher transfer threshold available, more assets can be transferred tax-free. By transferring those assets now, any future appreciation of those assets will be removed from the estate as well. Here are a couple of ways to accomplish this:
* Utilize the annual gift tax exclusion - This is a simple way to transfer $13,000 to as many recipients ($26,000 for married couples) without reducing your $5 million threshold.
* Pay for others' medical and educational expenses - as long as the payments are made directly to the providers, this transfer of wealth does not count towards the $13,000 annual gift tax exclusion nor the $5 million lifetime transfer exclusion.
Note: Please remember that gifts are irrevocable. Gift decisions must be done after careful analysis and consideration: Are the beneficiaries ready to manage the gifted assets responsibly? Will there be other beneficiaries to consider in the future? Are the grantors comfortable living with their remaining assets?
Because future tax law changes are always unpredictable, making gifting decisions solely for tax reasons without considering family issues can result in an undesired outcome, especially if future tax law is more favorable than expected.
2. Use a GRAT - A Grantor Retained Annuity Trust (GRAT) is an irrevocable trust that can allow individuals to transfer the appreciation of assets to heirs free of gift tax. GRATs are particularly attractive for individuals who have assets they believe will significantly appreciate and who would like to remove this appreciation from their estate.
The grantor transfers assets to the GRAT and, in turn, receives an annuity paid from the trust over a specified term. Generally GRATs are set up so that the annuity payments to the donor equal the amount of assets originally transferred into the GRAT, plus an assumed rate of return that is established by the IRS, known as the “hurdle rate” (this technique is called “zeroing out”). At the end of the GRAT’s term, any appreciation of trust assets that exceeds the IRS hurdle rate passes free of gift tax to the beneficiaries.
Note: The environment for GRATs is especially advantageous because the IRS hurdle rate is just 1.4% (IRC 7520 rate as of February 2012). Since any appreciation above the hurdle rate amount transfers tax-free to beneficiaries, the lower the hurdle rate, the higher the potential amount transferred to beneficiaries.
3. Get to know more about Charitable Lead Annuity Trust (CLAT) - CLATs can be used to leverage your charitable contributions to shift wealth to family members in a tax-efficient manner. A CLAT can be funded either during the your life or upon death as a testamentary transfer. As a split-interest trust, a CLAT names two beneficiaries. The charitable lead beneficiary, receives a fixed annual annuity payment throughout the term of the trust. At the end of the trust term, the assets remaining in the CLAT are then distributed to one or more noncharitable remainder beneficiaries―typically the grantor’s children or family members.
Note: CLATs generally are more efficient as long-term vehicles; they tend to work far better in low-interest-rate environments, and should be well diversified.
When considering a CLAT three fundamental questions should be addressed; What is the optimal trust term? ; How should the assets be allocated?; Are they advantageous only in low-interest-rate environments?
4. Consider a Dynasty Trust - Some states will allow you to establish a trust that exist in perpetuity, called Dynasty Trusts. The main attraction of these trusts is that assets placed in the Dynasty Trusts pass from one generation to the next free of estate tax. Also, if individuals elect to apply their gift and generation-skipping transfer (GST) tax exclusion, they will not be subject to gift tax when funding the Dynasty Trust.
The GST tax is a federal tax that was designed by Congress in 1986, to prevent people from being able to avoid paying estate taxes. Generally, as property is passed down from generation to generation, an estate tax is imposed on the value of the transfer. For many years, people were able to get around paying this estate tax by instead of transferring their property to the next generation, usually their children—they would “skip” this generation—and pass it to the following generation, usually their grandchildren.
As part of the Obama administrations Tax-Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010, the GST tax was taken away completely. However, in 2011, the GST tax returned at 35% to the Bush tax-cut levels; the GST exemption is inflation-indexed for 2012. However, as scheduled, the GST tax will rise again to pre-2001 levels in 2013: A 55% tax for any part of a transfer made that is valued at over $1,000,000.
Note: A Dynasty Trust is most effective if grantors have not already depleted their GST tax exemption. By allocating the GST exemption to the trust, the grantor can avoid the imposition of significant GST taxes on distributions to beneficiaries. Also, individuals who made gifts directly to grandchildren in 2010 to take advantage of the 0% GST tax rate must opt out of the automatic allocation of the GST tax exemption on their gift tax return.
Like with all tax planning strategies, consult with your tax advisor about how to utilize the available vehicles to most efficiently transfer wealth to your desired destinations. With current tax laws set to expire on December 31, 2012, now is a good time to review your estate plan.
The tax theme for 2012 is filled with uncertainty. There are concerns about whether the Bush-era tax cuts will expire at the end of this year. One of the main areas of discussion for this year are the estate tax, the lifetime gift tax and the generation-skipping tax. Currently they are set at $5 million. However, unless there is a change to the law before the end of the year they will be reduced to $1 million. There are also concerns about increases in taxes on capital gains and dividends.
This year will be critical in the implementation of wealth transfer strategies while the current law is still in effect. When the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010 was signed into law, it reunified the gift and estate tax exclusions, enabling individuals to transfer up to $5 million tax-free, which can be applied either to lifetime gifts or to amounts passing at death through an estate. The Act went even further by allowing for “portability” between spouses, so any unused exclusion amount may be transferred to a surviving spouse. Also, the Act increased the Generation Skipping Transfer (GST) tax exemption to $5 million. Finally, any transfers above the $5 million has a top tax rate of 35%, instead of the previous top rate of 55%. As you can see, this year offers a opportunity to transfer more wealth tax-free and pay a substantially lower rate for transfers above the transfer limits.
Keeping a current wealth management plan is critical to protecting wealth through changing tax environments. The following solutions offer particular advantages under the current law for individuals who are looking to tax-effectively transfer their wealth. Here are some tips for your consideration in 2012:
1. Make Lifetime Gifts - With the current higher transfer threshold available, more assets can be transferred tax-free. By transferring those assets now, any future appreciation of those assets will be removed from the estate as well. Here are a couple of ways to accomplish this:
* Utilize the annual gift tax exclusion - This is a simple way to transfer $13,000 to as many recipients ($26,000 for married couples) without reducing your $5 million threshold.
* Pay for others' medical and educational expenses - as long as the payments are made directly to the providers, this transfer of wealth does not count towards the $13,000 annual gift tax exclusion nor the $5 million lifetime transfer exclusion.
Note: Please remember that gifts are irrevocable. Gift decisions must be done after careful analysis and consideration: Are the beneficiaries ready to manage the gifted assets responsibly? Will there be other beneficiaries to consider in the future? Are the grantors comfortable living with their remaining assets?
Because future tax law changes are always unpredictable, making gifting decisions solely for tax reasons without considering family issues can result in an undesired outcome, especially if future tax law is more favorable than expected.
2. Use a GRAT - A Grantor Retained Annuity Trust (GRAT) is an irrevocable trust that can allow individuals to transfer the appreciation of assets to heirs free of gift tax. GRATs are particularly attractive for individuals who have assets they believe will significantly appreciate and who would like to remove this appreciation from their estate.
The grantor transfers assets to the GRAT and, in turn, receives an annuity paid from the trust over a specified term. Generally GRATs are set up so that the annuity payments to the donor equal the amount of assets originally transferred into the GRAT, plus an assumed rate of return that is established by the IRS, known as the “hurdle rate” (this technique is called “zeroing out”). At the end of the GRAT’s term, any appreciation of trust assets that exceeds the IRS hurdle rate passes free of gift tax to the beneficiaries.
Note: The environment for GRATs is especially advantageous because the IRS hurdle rate is just 1.4% (IRC 7520 rate as of February 2012). Since any appreciation above the hurdle rate amount transfers tax-free to beneficiaries, the lower the hurdle rate, the higher the potential amount transferred to beneficiaries.
3. Get to know more about Charitable Lead Annuity Trust (CLAT) - CLATs can be used to leverage your charitable contributions to shift wealth to family members in a tax-efficient manner. A CLAT can be funded either during the your life or upon death as a testamentary transfer. As a split-interest trust, a CLAT names two beneficiaries. The charitable lead beneficiary, receives a fixed annual annuity payment throughout the term of the trust. At the end of the trust term, the assets remaining in the CLAT are then distributed to one or more noncharitable remainder beneficiaries―typically the grantor’s children or family members.
Note: CLATs generally are more efficient as long-term vehicles; they tend to work far better in low-interest-rate environments, and should be well diversified.
When considering a CLAT three fundamental questions should be addressed; What is the optimal trust term? ; How should the assets be allocated?; Are they advantageous only in low-interest-rate environments?
4. Consider a Dynasty Trust - Some states will allow you to establish a trust that exist in perpetuity, called Dynasty Trusts. The main attraction of these trusts is that assets placed in the Dynasty Trusts pass from one generation to the next free of estate tax. Also, if individuals elect to apply their gift and generation-skipping transfer (GST) tax exclusion, they will not be subject to gift tax when funding the Dynasty Trust.
The GST tax is a federal tax that was designed by Congress in 1986, to prevent people from being able to avoid paying estate taxes. Generally, as property is passed down from generation to generation, an estate tax is imposed on the value of the transfer. For many years, people were able to get around paying this estate tax by instead of transferring their property to the next generation, usually their children—they would “skip” this generation—and pass it to the following generation, usually their grandchildren.
As part of the Obama administrations Tax-Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010, the GST tax was taken away completely. However, in 2011, the GST tax returned at 35% to the Bush tax-cut levels; the GST exemption is inflation-indexed for 2012. However, as scheduled, the GST tax will rise again to pre-2001 levels in 2013: A 55% tax for any part of a transfer made that is valued at over $1,000,000.
Note: A Dynasty Trust is most effective if grantors have not already depleted their GST tax exemption. By allocating the GST exemption to the trust, the grantor can avoid the imposition of significant GST taxes on distributions to beneficiaries. Also, individuals who made gifts directly to grandchildren in 2010 to take advantage of the 0% GST tax rate must opt out of the automatic allocation of the GST tax exemption on their gift tax return.
Like with all tax planning strategies, consult with your tax advisor about how to utilize the available vehicles to most efficiently transfer wealth to your desired destinations. With current tax laws set to expire on December 31, 2012, now is a good time to review your estate plan.
January 18, 2012
What are you busy about?
"It is not enough to ask why you are so busy. The question is, what are you so busy about?" - Henry David Thoreau
Most people will share with you with pride and puffing up their chest about how busy they are. As if being busy is something to be proud of and the goal. Being busy and being productive are two totally different things. Being busy without a clear vision will lead to wasted of time. Unfortunately that is a plague that has infected most people in the United States. Most executives will have 53 items in their to-do list taking space on a piece of paper as to satisfy their ego that they are doing something or as a way to prove their co-works "I am busier than you". Tasks in your to do list that don’t add value to your life or work are going to lead to frustration and wasted time. Are those tasks that are keeping you busy providing you a deeper sense of fulfillment and are they aligned with your values? Do they provide you joy and peace of mind?
Today is a good day to take a moment and reflect on the tasks you are performing and in the midst of your busyness ask yourself "what are you busy about?". Is there a better way, more efficient and less stressful way to accomplish my daily tasks? Being busy is ok when you are focused, grounded and calm.
Here are five tips:
1. Define your core values
2. Avoid Over-Committing
3. Learn to Say NO
4. Outsource, Delegate and Automate
5. Take a "Mini-Vacation" from the busyness and noise
Martin Luther King said that he'd never have accomplished what he did if he didn't spend three hours a day in prayer. How much time are you taking for prayer and meditation? Take a moment today and reflect on what is truly important for you. Take a moment and prepare a plan on how to accomplish the goals that will provide you and your loved ones joy, fulfillment and peace of mind.
January 16, 2012
Understanding Mental Health
Mental health is as important as physical health. Still, millions of Americans suffer with various types of mental illness and mental health problems, such as social anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, addiction to drugs and alcohol, and personality disorders. Mental illness and psychological disorders have good treatment options with medications, psychotherapy, or other treatments.
Mental health concerns everyone. It affects our ability to cope with and manage change, life events and transitions such as bereavement or retirement. All human beings have mental health needs, no matter what the state of their psyche. This book is written specifically for those who want to have an introduction to mental health, mental illness and mental health problems. It is written in simple language from a person that is curious about the subject and wants to share with you his research.
My curiosity about what makes certain people successful, drove me into the road of mental health. I am not an expert in the subject of mental illness ad treatments, thus before any actions to self-treat or self-diagnose your mental health status you should consult with a qualified physician who can properly diagnose and treat any potential mental illnesses. What became clear to me is that there is more to good health than just a physically healthy body: a healthy person should also have a healthy mind. A person with a healthy mind should be able to think clearly, should be able to solve the various problems faced in life, should enjoy good relations with friends, colleagues at work and family, and should feel spiritually at ease and bring happiness to others in the community.
Why should you be concerned about mental illness?
As mentioned earlier, our mental health affect how we perceive many aspects of our lives. It is an integral part of our whole health. There are many reasons why you need to be concerned about
mental illnesses.:
• Because they affect us all. It is estimated that one in five of all adults will experience a mental health problem in their lifetime.
• Because they are a major public health burden. Studies from nearly every corner of the world show that as much as 40% of all adults attending general health care services are suffering from some kind of mental illness.
• Because they are very disabling. Even though the popular belief is that mental illnesses are less serious than physical illness, they do in fact produce severe disability. They can also cause death, as a result of suicide and accidents.
The World Health Report from the World Health Organization in 2001 found that four out of the ten most disabling conditions in the world were mental illnesses. Depression was the most disabling disorder, ahead of anemia, malaria and all other health problems.
• Because mental health services are very inadequate. Specialists spend most of their time caring for people who suffer from “severe mental disorders” (‘psychoses’). These are quite rare, but are also the very diseases that the community associates with mental illness. Most people with the much commoner types of mental health problems, such as depression or alcohol problems, would not consult a mental health specialist.
• Because mental illness leads to stigma. Most people with a mental health problem would never admit to it. Those with a mental illness are often discriminated against by the community and even their own family.
• Because mental illness can be treated with simple, relatively inexpensive methods. This is the good news! It is true that many mental illnesses cannot be ‘cured’. However, many physical illnesses, such as cancers, diabetes, high blood pressure and rheumatoid arthritis, are also not curable. Yet, much can be done to improve the quality of life of those who suffer these conditions and the same applies to mental illness.
It is important to understand mental health so we can help ourselves and our loved ones. The stigma often associated with the many forms of mental illnesses is very real. For example, many people with bipolar disorder or other mental illnesses are afraid to share their condition with other people for fear of ridicule or judgment. The stigma is so real in fact many will avoid telling friends or family of their mental condition. Many people with bipolar disorder face stigma and discomfort from well-meaning friends and family members that don't really understand bipolar disorder. It is common for patients with bipolar disorder to feel misunderstood. Unfortunately even many health care providers carry with them a biased attitude toward bipolar patients. Many have a difficult time focusing on the real reason a person is in their office. Instead they focus on the mental health issue.
Here are some small steps patients and family members can take to help overcome the stigma associated with mental illness:
* Always accept your condition for what it is.
* Never attempt to hide your condition for fear that others will be un-accepting or misunderstand you.
* Educate friends and family. Direct them to a number of sites that help explain bipolar disorder and other mental illnesses. Great reference sites include the National Alliance on Mental Illness.
* Confidently explain that one if five people suffers from some form of mental illness or another.
* Remember that you are more an insider than you realize.
* One out of every five of your friends, acquaintances or associates likely suffers from some form of mental illness. -Use support groups to help bolster your self-confidence and promote your inner peace and well-being.
If you are interested in learning more about mental health, I have compiled an easy to read and understand e-book "Understanding Mental Health" were I cover types, causes, and treatments available.
===> Understanding Mental Health
Mental health concerns everyone. It affects our ability to cope with and manage change, life events and transitions such as bereavement or retirement. All human beings have mental health needs, no matter what the state of their psyche. This book is written specifically for those who want to have an introduction to mental health, mental illness and mental health problems. It is written in simple language from a person that is curious about the subject and wants to share with you his research.
My curiosity about what makes certain people successful, drove me into the road of mental health. I am not an expert in the subject of mental illness ad treatments, thus before any actions to self-treat or self-diagnose your mental health status you should consult with a qualified physician who can properly diagnose and treat any potential mental illnesses. What became clear to me is that there is more to good health than just a physically healthy body: a healthy person should also have a healthy mind. A person with a healthy mind should be able to think clearly, should be able to solve the various problems faced in life, should enjoy good relations with friends, colleagues at work and family, and should feel spiritually at ease and bring happiness to others in the community.
Why should you be concerned about mental illness?
As mentioned earlier, our mental health affect how we perceive many aspects of our lives. It is an integral part of our whole health. There are many reasons why you need to be concerned about
mental illnesses.:
• Because they affect us all. It is estimated that one in five of all adults will experience a mental health problem in their lifetime.
• Because they are a major public health burden. Studies from nearly every corner of the world show that as much as 40% of all adults attending general health care services are suffering from some kind of mental illness.
• Because they are very disabling. Even though the popular belief is that mental illnesses are less serious than physical illness, they do in fact produce severe disability. They can also cause death, as a result of suicide and accidents.
The World Health Report from the World Health Organization in 2001 found that four out of the ten most disabling conditions in the world were mental illnesses. Depression was the most disabling disorder, ahead of anemia, malaria and all other health problems.
• Because mental health services are very inadequate. Specialists spend most of their time caring for people who suffer from “severe mental disorders” (‘psychoses’). These are quite rare, but are also the very diseases that the community associates with mental illness. Most people with the much commoner types of mental health problems, such as depression or alcohol problems, would not consult a mental health specialist.
• Because mental illness leads to stigma. Most people with a mental health problem would never admit to it. Those with a mental illness are often discriminated against by the community and even their own family.
• Because mental illness can be treated with simple, relatively inexpensive methods. This is the good news! It is true that many mental illnesses cannot be ‘cured’. However, many physical illnesses, such as cancers, diabetes, high blood pressure and rheumatoid arthritis, are also not curable. Yet, much can be done to improve the quality of life of those who suffer these conditions and the same applies to mental illness.
It is important to understand mental health so we can help ourselves and our loved ones. The stigma often associated with the many forms of mental illnesses is very real. For example, many people with bipolar disorder or other mental illnesses are afraid to share their condition with other people for fear of ridicule or judgment. The stigma is so real in fact many will avoid telling friends or family of their mental condition. Many people with bipolar disorder face stigma and discomfort from well-meaning friends and family members that don't really understand bipolar disorder. It is common for patients with bipolar disorder to feel misunderstood. Unfortunately even many health care providers carry with them a biased attitude toward bipolar patients. Many have a difficult time focusing on the real reason a person is in their office. Instead they focus on the mental health issue.
Here are some small steps patients and family members can take to help overcome the stigma associated with mental illness:
* Always accept your condition for what it is.
* Never attempt to hide your condition for fear that others will be un-accepting or misunderstand you.
* Educate friends and family. Direct them to a number of sites that help explain bipolar disorder and other mental illnesses. Great reference sites include the National Alliance on Mental Illness.
* Confidently explain that one if five people suffers from some form of mental illness or another.
* Remember that you are more an insider than you realize.
* One out of every five of your friends, acquaintances or associates likely suffers from some form of mental illness. -Use support groups to help bolster your self-confidence and promote your inner peace and well-being.
If you are interested in learning more about mental health, I have compiled an easy to read and understand e-book "Understanding Mental Health" were I cover types, causes, and treatments available.
===> Understanding Mental Health
January 15, 2012
Life Insurance is NOT an Investment
Life insurance is not an investment, the purpose of life insurance is to protect your loved ones in
case of your premature death. The reason I am writing this short blog today is due the constant question which one is better Whole Life or Term Life? The best answer I can give is it depends. I do I have a problem with "gurus" who give their "infallible truth" about term insurance being the only way to buy insurance.
I understand that whole life is not the best option for everybody but neither is term life insurance. For example, if you purchased a ten year term, ten years ago and develop some medical condition and can no longer afford insurance then you wont be able to get a new policy. However, if you have a whole life policy then it doesn't matter as long as you continue paying your premiums. Life insurance is NOT a one size fits all solution. Ask any over 60 year old right now how the "Buy Term and Invest the Rest" strategy worked for them around 2008. Most of them right now sit with no insurance, since most of them are now uninsurable, and their investment portfolio are valued at a fraction of what it once was. In addition, they are not able to sell their home to cover the devaluation of their investment portfolio since the real estate market is still so low in the United States.
Both types of policies have advantages and disadvantages. There are never any absolutes in life and that is why it is important to discuss your specific situation with your personal financial services professional, who can in turn help you find the right product for your situation.
The problem is that most people listened and are easily impressed by “experts.” We drool for the "As seen in Oprah" type of "experts". Unfortunately in today's society we consider someone who who utters quick and "authoritative-sounding" responses to our questions as an expert. Most people consider a "know-it-all" as an expert. However, people forget that it is all marketing. It is about selling and it works. That is why we are willing to pay hundreds even thousands of dollars to attend the seminars organized by these "gurus". The question we all must be asking is, Is the "expert" giving advice that helps his listeners or advice that sells? If the "expert" gives advice that does not sell, no one listens.
We must come to a different understanding of what defines an expert. Many times the best expert is the one that is willing to say "I don't know". However, I don’t see too many of that type around nowadays.
I understand that whole life is not the best option for everybody but neither is term life insurance. For example, if you purchased a ten year term, ten years ago and develop some medical condition and can no longer afford insurance then you wont be able to get a new policy. However, if you have a whole life policy then it doesn't matter as long as you continue paying your premiums. Life insurance is NOT a one size fits all solution. Ask any over 60 year old right now how the "Buy Term and Invest the Rest" strategy worked for them around 2008. Most of them right now sit with no insurance, since most of them are now uninsurable, and their investment portfolio are valued at a fraction of what it once was. In addition, they are not able to sell their home to cover the devaluation of their investment portfolio since the real estate market is still so low in the United States.
Both types of policies have advantages and disadvantages. There are never any absolutes in life and that is why it is important to discuss your specific situation with your personal financial services professional, who can in turn help you find the right product for your situation.
The problem is that most people listened and are easily impressed by “experts.” We drool for the "As seen in Oprah" type of "experts". Unfortunately in today's society we consider someone who who utters quick and "authoritative-sounding" responses to our questions as an expert. Most people consider a "know-it-all" as an expert. However, people forget that it is all marketing. It is about selling and it works. That is why we are willing to pay hundreds even thousands of dollars to attend the seminars organized by these "gurus". The question we all must be asking is, Is the "expert" giving advice that helps his listeners or advice that sells? If the "expert" gives advice that does not sell, no one listens.
We must come to a different understanding of what defines an expert. Many times the best expert is the one that is willing to say "I don't know". However, I don’t see too many of that type around nowadays.
January 11, 2012
Baby Boomers Taking A New Look At Retirement
A recent AllState-National poll found that Baby Boomers are pushing back their initial retirement plans from an average of 60 years to 66 years. In addition, the results of the poll showed that 68% of the Baby Boomers expect to work in some form after retirement. The concept of retirement age is no longer what used to be 10 years ago. According to a survey conducted by Wells Fargo & Co in August 2011, 76% of the middle class Americans surveyed considered that “it is more important to have a specific amount saved before retirement, regardless of age, while only 20% say it is more important to retire at a specific age, regardless of savings.”
Other results of the Wells Fargo survey:
- 25% of middle class Americans say they will “need to work
until at least age 80” to live comfortably in retirement.
- 74% of middle class Americans expect to work in their
retirement years, including 39% of all respondents who will need
to work to make ends meet or maintain their lifestyles, while
35% say they will work because they want to, rather than out of
financial need.
- Among middle class Americans age 40 to 59, 54% say they will
“need to work,” compared to 34% of those age 25 to 39.
Accordingly, only 25% of those between the ages of 40 and 59 say
they will work in retirement because they “want to,” versus 45%
of Americans between the ages of 25 and 39.
- Of the Americans who will work in retirement, 47% say they
will do “similar work” to their pre-retired years, while 42% say
they will work in a position that requires “less responsibility.”
This recession has taken a heavier toll on the middle class than past recessions. However, the “sandwiched generation” (those near-retiree sandwiched between the already retired and the young generation) will feel a heavier burden since their retirement savings and real estate values have both declined substantially in the last 7 years. This has caught many near-retirees by surprise and now will force them to stay in the work force longer than they anticipated.
There is still time to make corrections in your retirement plans if you are in that “sandwiched” situation. It will take immediate action and potentially making some strong and sacrificial changes over the next 5 to 7 years to make sure that you can enjoy a comfortable retirement.
January 7, 2012
Tips on Buying Insurance
Before you talk to an insurance agent it behooves you to do a little research about the insurance buying process. The purchase of insurance should be taken seriously and you should never rush in the decision process. Regardless of the insurance you are purchasing, whether it’s life or car insurance, it’s a huge decision that demands a little research and your undivided attention. Also, if you spent some time upfront and determine what you need or want, locating the insurance policy that best fits your needs will not be the unpleasant task that many people think it is.
That is why it is important that you meet with your insurance advisor to assist you in locating the best insurance policy for your needs. It is critical that the insurance you purchase meets YOUR needs and not the needs/wants of the insurance agent. You don’t want to make any hasty decisions, an incorrect could mean thousands of dollars wasted over the long term.
Insurance is important in the building and protection of your assets. Therefore, in the same way we spend time in developing an investment portfolio or business planning, we ought to dedicate time to determine our insurance needs. As we get older, our needs change and so our insurance needs. Furthermore, not all insurance companies are built equal.
I’ve compiled a list of six tips to take into consideration when purchasing a new insurance policy. Hopefully these tips will help you make a wise decision and save yourself countless headaches:
1. Determine your needs. This should be your first step in the purchase of insurance. Why are you buying insurance? What are you protecting? Determine how much it would cost to replace something that is valuable to you — your life, if you are disable and unable to work for three to six months, your home, your business equipment with which you generate revenues or anything else you determine is important. Compare the cost and inconvenience of replacing the asset you want to protect and you will find out that many times that insurance (when properly purchased) is comparatively inexpensive.
2. Research the company’s ratings. Many times overlooked. The best example was our recent recession. Many banks and insurance companies failed. Poor management decisions can lead an insurance company to lack the proper funding when the time comes to pay claims. Insurance companies are no different that other businesses. You need an insurance company that will be around when you need their service. Therefore, do your due diligence; you might even be surprised at the companies that don’t fare too well.
3. Check your insurance agent credentials. The presentation and sale of insurance products are regulated by your state. Insurance agents must be properly licensed and trained for the products they are presenting to you. As mentioned above, you need to have an insurance agent that is qualified to help you in the decision process and not just trying to sell you a product that they have no idea if it truly fits your needs but they know that they are making a huge commission on it. There are many insurance sales people, some are out there just for the commission they can make on the sale. However, there are a lot of great insurance professionals well trained and prepared to assist you in making the right decision.
4. Check your local BBB. Research consumer complaints filed against the insurance company under consideration. Knowing what the complaints are against a company will tell you how solid of an insurance company they are. Do not overreact on complaints filed, find out what type of complaints where filed and how the company handled them. Once again, insurance companies are no different than other businesses, they make mistakes too. Also, look at the frequency of complaints filed, are the same complaints being filed? Repetitive complaints could be a sign of weak internal controls.
5. Get the right coverage for YOU. Remember that the insurance must meet YOUR needs. Therefore, you should buy the right type of insurance and the right amount of coverage. Never let an agent tell you how much insurance or coverage you need. As a financial advisor, I could make a recommendation and it is my responsibility to justify my calculations based on the facts I have about my clients. However, it is YOUR responsibility to figure out how much insurance you want. Letting an insurance company blindly tell you what you need is like asking a casino how much you should gamble. Whether you need an umbrella policy or extended coverage, this is for you to decide, not an agent.
6. Ask some tough questions. Insurance is a significant financial decision. Take the time to really ask the tough and important questions. Also, remember that the investment in insurance coverage can have long-term implications. If your insurance agent seems uncomfortable, unable or unwilling to answer your questions, unprepared or unable to explain to you the insurance product that he/she is presenting to you, you are better off going to another insurance professional.
I hope these tips will be of help to you in the your decision making. As you may have noticed, I did not mentioned price on my tips. Even though, price is important, insurance is more than just price. Many times you will hear of horror stories of people that thought they had insurance or certain coverage and they find out the hard way and when it is too late. The cheapest insurance is not always the best option. Take these principles and print them out, keep them nearby when you are meeting or talking to your insurance agent. Remember, it is your money and it is your decision, if you ever feel that your agent is not listening to you or does not address your needs, that is a sign that it may be time to end the conversation and consider a different company. Take your time and make a decision you and your wallet can be proud of. Never buy insurance under pressure.
That is why it is important that you meet with your insurance advisor to assist you in locating the best insurance policy for your needs. It is critical that the insurance you purchase meets YOUR needs and not the needs/wants of the insurance agent. You don’t want to make any hasty decisions, an incorrect could mean thousands of dollars wasted over the long term.
Insurance is important in the building and protection of your assets. Therefore, in the same way we spend time in developing an investment portfolio or business planning, we ought to dedicate time to determine our insurance needs. As we get older, our needs change and so our insurance needs. Furthermore, not all insurance companies are built equal.
I’ve compiled a list of six tips to take into consideration when purchasing a new insurance policy. Hopefully these tips will help you make a wise decision and save yourself countless headaches:
1. Determine your needs. This should be your first step in the purchase of insurance. Why are you buying insurance? What are you protecting? Determine how much it would cost to replace something that is valuable to you — your life, if you are disable and unable to work for three to six months, your home, your business equipment with which you generate revenues or anything else you determine is important. Compare the cost and inconvenience of replacing the asset you want to protect and you will find out that many times that insurance (when properly purchased) is comparatively inexpensive.
2. Research the company’s ratings. Many times overlooked. The best example was our recent recession. Many banks and insurance companies failed. Poor management decisions can lead an insurance company to lack the proper funding when the time comes to pay claims. Insurance companies are no different that other businesses. You need an insurance company that will be around when you need their service. Therefore, do your due diligence; you might even be surprised at the companies that don’t fare too well.
3. Check your insurance agent credentials. The presentation and sale of insurance products are regulated by your state. Insurance agents must be properly licensed and trained for the products they are presenting to you. As mentioned above, you need to have an insurance agent that is qualified to help you in the decision process and not just trying to sell you a product that they have no idea if it truly fits your needs but they know that they are making a huge commission on it. There are many insurance sales people, some are out there just for the commission they can make on the sale. However, there are a lot of great insurance professionals well trained and prepared to assist you in making the right decision.
4. Check your local BBB. Research consumer complaints filed against the insurance company under consideration. Knowing what the complaints are against a company will tell you how solid of an insurance company they are. Do not overreact on complaints filed, find out what type of complaints where filed and how the company handled them. Once again, insurance companies are no different than other businesses, they make mistakes too. Also, look at the frequency of complaints filed, are the same complaints being filed? Repetitive complaints could be a sign of weak internal controls.
5. Get the right coverage for YOU. Remember that the insurance must meet YOUR needs. Therefore, you should buy the right type of insurance and the right amount of coverage. Never let an agent tell you how much insurance or coverage you need. As a financial advisor, I could make a recommendation and it is my responsibility to justify my calculations based on the facts I have about my clients. However, it is YOUR responsibility to figure out how much insurance you want. Letting an insurance company blindly tell you what you need is like asking a casino how much you should gamble. Whether you need an umbrella policy or extended coverage, this is for you to decide, not an agent.
6. Ask some tough questions. Insurance is a significant financial decision. Take the time to really ask the tough and important questions. Also, remember that the investment in insurance coverage can have long-term implications. If your insurance agent seems uncomfortable, unable or unwilling to answer your questions, unprepared or unable to explain to you the insurance product that he/she is presenting to you, you are better off going to another insurance professional.
I hope these tips will be of help to you in the your decision making. As you may have noticed, I did not mentioned price on my tips. Even though, price is important, insurance is more than just price. Many times you will hear of horror stories of people that thought they had insurance or certain coverage and they find out the hard way and when it is too late. The cheapest insurance is not always the best option. Take these principles and print them out, keep them nearby when you are meeting or talking to your insurance agent. Remember, it is your money and it is your decision, if you ever feel that your agent is not listening to you or does not address your needs, that is a sign that it may be time to end the conversation and consider a different company. Take your time and make a decision you and your wallet can be proud of. Never buy insurance under pressure.
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